CornerNet-Lite copied to clipboard
RuntimeError: Attempting to deserialize object on a CUDA device but torch.cuda.is_available() is False.
when run python, I met this question: `python total parameters: 116969339 loading from /home/qing/ngs/CornerNet-Lite/core/../cache/nnet/CornerNet_Saccade/CornerNet_Saccade_500000.pkl
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 7, in
CUDA Version 8.0.44
I have 4 Nvidia P40 GPUs
Hi, Thanks for trying out CornerNet-Lite! Were you able to resolve this? Note that the code in this repo as-is requires CUDA 10. Perhaps you can check if your conda environment contains the correct PyTorch installation for your local setup. Otherwise, upgrading your CUDA should resolve this. Yun
I met the same problem. Have you solved it? My CUDA is 10.0.
@yangqing-yq Hi,how do you solve this problem?? I made this mistake, too. Thank you!
I met the same problem. Have you solved it? My CUDA is 10.0.
@yghcats @Tension001 Sorry, My CUDA is 9.2, I still not try 10.0 version yet. I will let you know my result as soon as I tried it out.
@yangqing-yq I have a problem with the driver to correct it. Thank you
I have solved this problem by upgrading my NVIDIA driver. My former driver is 384, which does not match CUDA 10.0. CUDA 10.0 needs 410 or 418.
my cuda is CUDA Version 8.0.61 .solve this problem by using pytorch 1.0.0 py3.7_cuda9.0.176_cudnn7.4.1_1
@KeeaattJj Does this mean there is a way to get around needing CUDA 10?