I think this guy had the same panel: And he used FOUR_SCAN_64PX_HIGH and it is working for him too
Heah. I used "1/32" scan typical indoor 64x64 panel before and it was working OK with stock configuration. Now as the 64x64 "1/16" scan outdoor panel is much brighter i...
Yes of course i checked that. All pixels are working even on lower half :)
I have chained 6 this type of panels and i cannot get second row working. Is there anything i should do or check?
It was one panel now it is 2x3 panels. fillScreen is working as intended and it lights up all six panels so i assume there is a problem with pixel...
I got my colour depth set to minimum and same chain of indoor panels are working fine so this is not a problem :)
Ok, so to define this problem better i am posting different configurations and output of the screen using chained panels example: First, to check if all panels are communicating with...
Hi. I tested that already. It works even when i use virtualDisplay class as 1 row 6 columns configuration (one long horizontal display) and i can use coords X 0-383...
Code with 1x6 matrix config: ``` /*--------------------- RGB DISPLAY PINS -------------------------*/ #define R1_PIN 0 //25 #define G1_PIN 18 //33 #define B1_PIN 2 #define R2_PIN 14 #define G2_PIN 12 #define B2_PIN...
Code with 2x3 config bottom left up chaining: ``` /*--------------------- RGB DISPLAY PINS -------------------------*/ #define R1_PIN 0 //25 #define G1_PIN 18 //33 #define B1_PIN 2 #define R2_PIN 14 #define G2_PIN...