git-tools copied to clipboard
#git-tools A collection of git tools.
git-gdrive allows to use Google Drive as a way to exchange patchsets.
In essence it's git format-patch
/ git am
but based on Google Drive.
This project has been packaged and moved to
pip install --user git-gdrive
git gdrive push
is the equivalent ofgit format-patch
+ upload to gdrive; -
git gdrive pull
is the equivalent of download from gdrive +git am
##git-gradual-push git-gradual-push, as the name suggests, allows to push large revision ranges in chunks (read: generating multiple push operations). This is to deal with pushes of really large repos which cannot get digested by the Git server in a single push. It works by figuring out the total number of revisions, splitting it in chunks of arbitrary size (4th arg), and issuing individual git push commands with the intermediate revisions calculated.
$ git-gradual-push origin HEAD refs/heads/master 10000
Remember to: git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600' to avoid surprises
Reading rev-list for branch HEAD
Got 168278 revisions. Uploading in 17 chunks
Push [1/17] (158278-th) 8f1021083ad8 -> refs/hidden/tmpupload
+ 4eb5bbc...8f10210 8f1021083ad8a887413ca373a3fa0dfa74e45f53 -> refs/hidden/tmpupload
Push [11/17] (58278-th) 10d67c852902 -> refs/hidden/tmpupload
Counting objects: 203744, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (61768/61768), done.
Writing objects: 100% (184761/184761), 48.62 MiB | 4.09 MiB/s, done.
Total 184761 (delta 143752), reused 154745 (delta 121893)
##git-inspect-packs git-inspect-packs is a low level tool to inspect git pack files.
Given a set of pack files (the tools operates on a directory, loading all the packs in it), it can report:
- The list of commits present in the pack files.
- The subset of root commits (i.e. commits which have no parents in the pack files being inspected).
- The cardinality and size of the blobs referenced by each commit.
- The list of trees present in the pack files.
- The subset of orphan trees (trees not referenced by any commit in the pack files being inspected)
- The list of blobs.
- The list of orphan blobs (blobs not referenced by any tree in the pack files being inspected).
It can be used to debug and inspect the content provided by a given set of pack files. Conversely to most git operations it is designed to deal with incomplete packs (i.e. references to missing objects). The use case driving the development of this script has been debugging anomalous packs being downloaded and exploding their content (and doing some graph math on it).
$ ls
# See git-inspect-packs --help for more options
$ git-inspect-packs --all --verbose
============================= TOTALS =============================
Objects: 1882
Commits: 108
Root: 2 (commits not reachable by other commits)
Reachable: 106
Trees: 941
Orphans: 27 (trees not referenced by any commit)
Blobs: 833
Orphans: 52 (blobs not referenced by any tree)
Unknown: 0
========================== ROOT COMMITS ==========================
2014-10-31 07e6b6b28ac3 Nick Revert "[Sync] Fix bug where De
Blobs 2 (28K)
2014-10-31 558d1fadb000 yefim Enabled enhanced bookmarks flag
Blobs 215 (7067K)
Blobs introduced by all root commits: 217, 7096K
======================= REACHABLE COMMITS ========================
2014-10-31 41a3ca7c1751 Ben Use the data reduction proxy in
New blobs: 3 (49K)
2014-10-31 6e11d0f286c4 Dana cc: Damage the viewport and Upd
New blobs: 1 (120K)
============================= FILES ==============================
0K revs:2 VERSION
0K revs:1 index.html
11257K revs:5 histograms.xml
========================== ORPHAN BLOBS ==========================
4a3ad3c5aba5 0K # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Au
e1c960a15cc4 950K <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ut
========================== ORPHAN TREES ==========================
3af1755e0201 00_i18n_de.html 00_i18n_de2.html 00_i18n_en.html 00_i
c424f3cd3a1b GC