swatch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
swatch copied to clipboard

Get a swatch svg for a color token from @primer/primitives

Get a swatch svg for a color token from @primer/primitives


mode=light, token=accent.fg


picks up color modes and tokens from @primer/primitives



mode=dark, token=fg.onEmphasis

![mode=dark, token=fg.onEmphasis](

mode=light, token=fg.onEmphasis


mode=light_high_contrast, token=actionListItem.danger.hoverText

![mode=light_high_contrast, token=actionListItem.danger.hoverText](

mode=light, token=success.fg, size=48

![mode=light, token=success.fg, size=48](


default size is 24x24px, but you can change it by passing a size for example: &size=48

troubleshooting: to see full list of available tokens for a color mode, click here: mode=light&token=idk