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Use primer/react-scripts toolchain

Open siddharthkp opened this issue 2 years ago • 6 comments

Part of the toolchain for component development

puppers eating food

Before we start asking other teams to start using the toolchain, we should use it in internal repos to test the experience


Replaces local storybook setup with primer/react-scripts. Still allows for project specific customisation. See .storybook/main.js and .storybook/preview.js

~The canary version is intentional, @primer/react-scripts is still a proof of concept and does not publish a stable version yet. The package name and script name might change.~ Now using stable version :)

Similar PR in memex:

siddharthkp avatar Apr 25 '22 12:04 siddharthkp

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changeset-bot[bot] avatar Apr 25 '22 12:04 changeset-bot[bot]

size-limit report 📦

Path Size
dist/browser.esm.js 67.58 KB (-0.03% 🔽)
dist/browser.umd.js 67.98 KB (+0.01% 🔺)

github-actions[bot] avatar Apr 25 '22 12:04 github-actions[bot]

Circular dependency problem:

@primer/react-scripts has a peer dependency on @primer/react, so when we import something from @primer/react in this repo (primer/react) it wouldn't exist because we don't want to install another copy of primer/react 😅

ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@primer/react/lib-esm/utils/story-helpers' in '/Users/sid/code/primer/react/node_modules/@primer/react-scripts/storybook'

Update: Fixed by creating a primer/react specific version of preview.js.

Update2: @colebemis's suggestion of using webpack alias worked great! ✨

siddharthkp avatar Apr 25 '22 13:04 siddharthkp

@colebemis Do you know why CI is failing on this, looks like an unrelated change but it doens't fail on main 🤔

Could be because of a potential eslint version change?

siddharthkp avatar May 25 '22 14:05 siddharthkp

@colebemis Do you know why CI is failing on this, looks like an unrelated change but it doens't fail on main 🤔

Could be because of a potential eslint version change?

Huh, I wonder if it's related to these changes:

colebemis avatar Jun 02 '22 19:06 colebemis

Hi! This pull request has been marked as stale because it has been open with no activity for 60 days. You can comment on the pull request or remove the stale label to keep it open. If you do nothing, this pull request will be closed in 7 days.

github-actions[bot] avatar Sep 17 '22 10:09 github-actions[bot]