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Slots in SSR: revisit tradeoffs and improvements

Open siddharthkp opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

Context: The current slot implementation isn't ideal when it comes to server side rendering - It only renders the freeform main slot on the server and then adds other slots after mounting on client (with useEffect). Which is a non-problem for components in an overlay, but can be a bad loading experience for other components with layout shift.

The tradeoffs considered at the time of building this component are mentioned in this comment:

I need to make changes to the implementation that makes it consistent across server and client. This however will introduce a limitation that a slot needs to be a direct child of the slot container, deep nesting not allowed.

components that use slots: ActionList, FormControl and NavList by extension

so this will break the layout:

+ <CustomComponent>
     free text 
+ </CustomComponent>

but this will not work:

     free text 
+   <CustomComponent> // deep nesting inside Item
+   </CustomComponent>

I want to say that's a fair tradeoff to make inside an ActionList.Item.

siddharthkp avatar Dec 03 '21 17:12 siddharthkp

We probably want to pick this one up when we work on Navigation List

lesliecdubs avatar Apr 07 '22 16:04 lesliecdubs

Another use case for this (without SSR) - (behind feature flag)

As a stop gap, we moved the contents of leading visual inside text

siddharthkp avatar Jul 26 '22 08:07 siddharthkp

Another example where this falls short:

siddharthkp avatar Aug 22 '22 13:08 siddharthkp

Hi! This issue has been marked as stale because it has been open with no activity for 180 days. You can comment on the issue or remove the stale label to keep it open. If you do nothing, this issue will be closed in 7 days.

github-actions[bot] avatar Feb 18 '23 17:02 github-actions[bot]

Hey @siddharthkp, would it be helpful to keep this one open for reference or should we go ahead and close? I have a draft in the Primer Roadmap backlog to revisit slots so it's definitely still on the radar.

lesliecdubs avatar Feb 22 '23 03:02 lesliecdubs

@lesliecdubs Late reply, but I think we should keep this open :)

Leaving here for future reference, we have a draft of the implementation in this closed PR:

siddharthkp avatar Mar 15 '23 17:03 siddharthkp

👋🏻 @colebemis starting this week, could you please add a /status update on this batch each week (link for GitHub staff only) assuming this is still something you have in progress?

lesliecdubs avatar Apr 10 '23 16:04 lesliecdubs


🟢 on track

Target date


This Week

Migrated CheckboxGroup, RadioGroup, and FormControl to use the SSR-compatible slots implementation:

  • [x] CheckboxGroup:
  • [x] RadioGroup:
  • [x] FormControl

Next Week

  • [ ] ActionList
  • [ ] MarkdownEditor

colebemis avatar Apr 13 '23 17:04 colebemis


🟢 on track

Target date


This Week

Migrated ActionList, NavList, and MarkdownEditor to use the SSR-compatible slots implementation:

  • [x] ActionList
  • [x] NavList
  • [x] MarkdownEditor

Next Week

  • [x] Remove legacy slots implementation code

colebemis avatar Apr 21 '23 05:04 colebemis

Hooray! 🎉 Thank you for the quick work on this one @colebemis!

Young man in a black t-shirt claps emphatically and mouths the word "YES" with an intense face

lesliecdubs avatar Apr 25 '23 01:04 lesliecdubs