sakai-react copied to clipboard
Module not found: Can't resolve 'primereact/schedule'
after I do npm start I get
[email protected] watch-css C:\git\primereact-sigma npm run build-css && node-sass-chokidar src/layout/ -o src/layout/ --watch --recursive | node-sass-chokidar public/assets/layout/ -o public/assets/layout/ --watch --recursive
Failed to compile.
./src/components/DataDemo.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'primereact/schedule'
Primereact 2 got rid of schedule
in favour of fullcalendar
. But the sigma theme was last updated in September 25th, and is still not updated to use the new calendar instead of former schedule. That’s why you got the error.
I don’t know who’s responsible for this repo, but they don’t seem to be very reactive to maintain the theme up to date. I suppose we’ll have to propose a PR ourselves or something.
Me? As a workaround, I temporarily commented out all usage of Schedule
at the moment since I don’t use it right now
Thanks, I got it working by renaming primereact/schedule
with primereact/fullcalendar
To make it work, you need to:
import {FullCalendar} from 'primereact/fullcalendar';
instead ofimport {Schedule} from 'primereact/schedule';
- use the
property instead ofheader
. So use now:
const options = {
defaultDate: '2016-01-12',
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
<FullCalendar options={options} events={this.state.calendarEvents} />
@grounzero @AlainD- this issue has been resolved, verify and close
I checked, and it's solved since Sigma React 3.0.0
@grounzero @cagataycivici this issue resolve, close it