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Pinch and Swipe together issues
I have added a swipe recognizer to my character, to move him around the screen.
I also added a pinch recognizer to zoom the camera in and out.
The problem I am running into is that occasionally, while zooming the camera, the character will recognize a swipe and start walking around. Any idea how to get the swipe recognizer to see that a pinch is in progress, and ignore any swipes it thinks it is detecting?
Any help is appreciated. -Larry
I also have similar problems. when i add pan and swipe recognizer, i also get swipe and pan event, but i just want to fire one gesture on the same time , have you solved this problem ?
IMO you'll want to address this concern at a "higher level". I tend to wrap all my subscribed gestures and other touch processing code into a single class that can have some concept of "game specific control state". Then I can make a determination of what to do central there based on the state the games controls are in (for example don't run swipe based movement code while zooming the camera with a pinch). This lets you isolate gesture recognition from game specific functionality.
The recognizers do not have knowledge of one another and that's actually a good thing for the flexibility it allows
I have the same problem, I couldn't find a proper solution. In my case, I control my GameObject's rotation, scale with gestures. I also have UI elements on swipe. When I pinch to scale my GO, It tends to open the UI element frequently. I tried to control this by setting the maximumNumberOfTouches = 1 in the Swipegesture script, but it doesn't recognize swipe events after a certain time. I don't really know a way to control the gesture events by setting some kind of state in my case.
Raised a PR for this issue. We can add a maximum distance variable when checking for swipe. (Also set triggerWhenCriteriaMet = false) This solved my problem and works flawlessly.