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An Elm Frontend for a BodyWeight Workout Logging Application.
Bodyweight Client
A Bodyweight Workout Log frontend written in Elm.
Right now only the following is supported:
- Creating an Account
- Viewing Routines & individual Exercises
- Registered Users can Create/Edit/Delete their Routines
- Admins can Create/Edit/Delete Exercises
Eventually we will support:
- Subscribing to Routines & Logging Workouts
- Exporting Routines & Log Entries (Markdown, CSV)
- Reports & Graphs
The API server lives in a separate repository, but the two repos will probably be merged at some point.
npm i
npm run dev
open http://localhost:7000
npm run test-watch
This is a mix of client & server stuffs... We should probably consolidate the client & server repositories since they are tightly integrated.
Add Screenshot to README
Refactor view/model folders into folders by datatype(
)? -
Refactor API Command Messages into separate Message Type & Update Function
Refactor model data into Dicts?
Refactor Routine Page Messages into separate type?
Reduce server queries(only load necessary sections, exercises, etc.)
Fix 404 flash on initial load
Add Exercise Form
- Non-admin users can suggest new exercises or changes to exercises
- Radio buttons for Reps/Holds instead of checkbox
- Switch backend from bool to union type
- Strip URL from Youtube/Amazon ID fields
- Error messages!
- Embed Amazon Products in Pages
- Cards w/ YT Vid Embeds for Exercises Page, w/ toggle table/cards button
- Filters Exercises page for Reps-only or Holds-only
Add Routine Form
- Refactor RoutineChange Messages into separate updateRoutineForm func/msg
- Autocomplete Exercise Selects
- Disable Save/Reset if no changes(for routines, sections, & exercises)
- Default reps/hold time/reps to progress per section & routine
- Add Up/Down Arrows for Exercise Progressions?
- Review the BWF subreddit routine, see if all information could be entered into our form
- Error messages!
- Fetch only relevant sections/exercises on View/Edit Routine pages, instead of all of them(or sideload the related resources in the routine's response)
- Export to CSV & Markdown(markdown useful for posting to reddit)
- Multiple Editors
Add Routine Logging Forms
- Log an already completed workout
- Log a workout as you complete it
Routine Logs
- View progress for a whole routine or specific exercise/progression, maybe a table & graph showing logged reps/time.
- Export all logs to Excel & CSV
- Export single log to Markdown
- Login/logout of all open tabs(watch for
event) - Profiles & profile pages
- Name
- Subscribed routines
- Created routines
- Logged workouts
- Reddit/twitter/facebook username
- Page for admin users to see exercises w/o YouTube or Amazon links
- Only a user can see their private routines
- User can subscribe to a routine(Add subscriber count to Routines table)
- Email field & lost password functionality
- Login/logout of all open tabs(watch for
- Short description of BWF
- For anonymous users, benefits of registering(add/sub/log routines)
- Links to subreddit
- Links to a User's subscribed routines & logging form for those routines
- Random Exercise w/ Video & Description?
Sharing private routines w/ users
- Password-protected
- Subscribe Link
- ?Share w/ specific users?
Routine Feedback
- Allow users to comment on routines
- Versioning of routines, with list of changes between each version (this is complex, how would we handle logs of old versions?)
Data Validation(backend & frontend)
- Routines
- Author cannot change
- To Progress must be greater than or equal to Reps/Hold Time
- Exercises in a single progression cannot be repeated
- Sections must have at least 1 SectionExercise
- Sets/Reps/Time/Progress cannot be 0
- SectionExercises must have at least one Exercise
- Section names cannot be blank
- Routine names cannot be blank
- Exercises
- Has name
- Valid Youtube/Amazon IDs
- Routines