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Fir. A lightweight PHP MVC Framework.

Fir Framework


Fir. A lightweight PHP MVC Framework.

The Fir framework started as micro-framework with the purpose of being used in private projects, with the strongest points being extremly fast and easy to use. Fir is not a replacement for professional frameworks, however if you want to quickly build a prototipe app, make a couple of AJAXed pages and do a couple of database calls, Fir should be a good option.

Made with Fir:



  • Extremely fast (3ms exec. time)
  • Extremely lightweight (30kb)
  • MVC pattern
  • Dynamic Routing (with clean URLs)
  • Helpers support (lazy loading)
  • Libraries support (lazy loading)
  • Middlewares support (lazy loading)
  • Composer support (lazy loading)
  • Language system (lazy loading)
  • Fully namespaced
  • PSR-2 coding style
  • CSRF protection for forms


  • Dynamic page loading (AJAX)
  • jQuery included
  • Bootstrap included



Software Modules
PHP >=7 mbstring
Apache >=2 mod_rewrite
MySQL >=5


  1. Run composer create-project codefir/fir /your-project
  2. Import the fir.sql file into your database.
  3. Open the app/includes/config.php file, and update the values YOURDBUSER, YOURDBNAME, YOURDBPASS, https://localhost/your-project with your own information.

You can now access your website using the URL you defined in APP_PATH.


Creating a new controller

  • Controllers can be created in the /app/controllers folder.
  • Controllers should extend the base Controller class, e.g: class Auth extends Controller {}.
  • Each controller must have a public method, called index, e.g: public function index() {}.

Loading a model

  • To load a new model, use the $this->model('Example') method.

Returning a view

  • To return a view, inside your methods you would return ['content' => $this->view->render($data, 'auth/register')], where $data is an array object which contains the data that's passed to the views, while 'auth/register' would be the view's path.


  • Routes are mapped based on the Controller's name and its public methods, when a public method is missing, it will automatically default to the index method of the controller.


  • You can access the current URL path inside controllers by using the $this->url property.
  • You can access language strings inside controllers by using the $this->lang property.


namespace Fir\Controllers;

class Auth extends Controller
    public function index()
        return ['content' => $this->view->render($data, 'auth/index')];
    public function register()
        return ['content' => $this->view->render($data, 'auth/register')];


Creating a model

  • Models can be created in the /app/models folder.
  • Models should extend the base Model class, e.g: class Auth extends Model {}.
  • You can access the database object by using the $this->db property.


namespace Fir\Models;

class Auth extends Model
    public function get()
        // SQL query here


Creating a view

  • Views can be created in the /public/theme/views folder.

Accessing data in views

  • The $data array object holds all the data that's passed from the Controllers.


  • You can escape strings in views using the e function, e.g: e('Example').
  • You can display messages stored in $_SESSION['message'] using the $this->message() method.
  • You can display a language string in views using the $this->lang('key') method.
  • You can render the csrf token input for your forms using the $this->token() method.
  • To view the full list of available helpers for views, see app/core/View.php.


defined('FIR') OR exit();

<?= e("Hello World") ?>

Wraping up

While this documentation could be more extensive, the code is well commented and most of the things you need to know can be found straight into the examples provided within the framework.

Happy coding.