vim-lexical copied to clipboard
Build on Vim’s spell/thes/dict completion
Building on Vim’s spell-check and thesaurus/dictionary completion
Features of this plugin:
- Specify the languages to be used in spell-check
- Specify a list of thesauruses for synonym completion
- Specify a list of dictionaries for word completion
- Specify a list of spellfiles for custom word-check additions
- Opt-in key mappings for Normal mode thesaurus and dictionary completion
- Buffer-scoped configuration (leaves your global settings alone)
Though principally used as a editor for code, Vim flirts with those of us editing documentation and prose by providing spell-check as well as completion capabilities using both dictionary and thesaurus files.
While we can configure these settings in our .vimrc
files, we often need
more granular control, where defaults are leveraged and configuration is
applied by file type to the current buffer. This plugin fills that gap.
You can install using your favorite Vim package manager. (E.g., Pathogen, Vundle, or Plug.) If you are using a recent version of vim or neovim, you can also use native package support. (See :help packages.)
Because spell-check, thesaurus, etc. isn’t needed for all file types, you can
configure it per file type in your .vimrc
set nocompatible
filetype plugin on " may already be in your .vimrc
augroup lexical
autocmd FileType markdown,mkd call lexical#init()
autocmd FileType textile call lexical#init()
autocmd FileType text call lexical#init({ 'spell': 0 })
augroup END
In the last autocmd
statement above, dictionaries and thesauruses are
configured for the text
file type, but spell-check is disabled by
lexical enables spell-check by default for buffers in which it is
initialized. You can change that default setting in your .vimrc
let g:lexical#spell = 1 " 0=disabled, 1=enabled
Spell-check language configuration
Vim’s global spelllang
(note three l
s) may already specify a default
language. You can query it with a simple command:
:echo &spelllang
=> ‘en’
If desired, you can be more specific, overriding the global spelllang
your .vimrc
let g:lexical#spelllang = ['en_us','en_ca',]
Available spell files can be found at Vim will attempt to download those which are not installed locally. For more detail see
:help spellfile.vim
Thesaurus configuration
If you don’t have one already, download a thesaurus, such as Grady Ward’s
Moby Thesaurus at Zeke's moby thesaurus, or on Project Gutenberg
and extract the mthesaur.txt
file. By default lexical will look for it
at the following path:
let g:lexical#thesaurus = ['~/.vim/thesaurus/mthesaur.txt',]
You can specify multiple paths to thesauruses in the list.
Dictionary configuration
On Unix-based systems (including OS X) the dictionary will default to:
let g:lexical#dictionary = ['/usr/share/dict/words',]
You can specify multiple paths to dictionaries in the list.
Spellfile configuration
On Unix-based systems (including OS X) the spellfile will default to:
let g:lexical#spellfile = ['~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add',]
You can specify a single path for spellfile in the list.
Vim offers many standard key mappings for spell-checking and completion.
These are the Normal mode commands:
- Move to next misspelled word after the cursor. -
- Like]s
but search backwards -
- Like]s
but only stop at bad words, not at rare words or words for another region. -
- Like]S
but search backwards.
With the following key mappings you can use Visual mode selection to select the characters (including whitespace). Otherwise the word under the cursor is used.
- Mark as a good word -
- Likezg
but mark the word as a wrong (bad) word. -
- Unmark as good word -
- Unmark as wrong (bad) word -
- For the word under/after the cursor suggest correctly spelled words -
- Use the first suggestion, without prompting -
- Redo - repeat last word replacement -
- Repeat the replacement done byz=
for all matches with the replaced word in the current window
For spelling suggestions while in Insert mode:
(or«CTRL-X» «s»
for terminal users) - suggest spelling, using«CTRL-P»
to navigate.
For a convenient pop-up list of suggestions from Normal mode, you can map an
available key of your choice in your .vimrc
let g:lexical#spell_key = '<leader>s'
This buffer-scoped mapping is strictly opt-in. No key is mapped by default.
Thesaurus lookup
For thesaurus lookup while in Insert mode:
- thesaurus lookup, using«CTRL-P»
to navigate.
For convenient Normal mode thesaurus lookup from the cursor position,
you can map an available key of your choice in your .vimrc
let g:lexical#thesaurus_key = '<leader>t'
This buffer-scoped mapping is strictly opt-in. No key is mapped by default.
Dictionary completion
For dictionary completion while in Insert mode:
- dictionary completion, using«CTRL-P»
to navigate.
For convenient Normal mode dictionary lookup from the cursor position,
you can map an available key of your choice in your .vimrc
let g:lexical#dictionary_key = '<leader>k'
This buffer-scoped mapping is strictly opt-in. No key is mapped by default.
Define your own commands
Sometimes you need a highly-customized environment for spell-check and
completion. You can define your own commands in your .vimrc
to meet that
need. For example:
command! -nargs=0 LexMed call lexical#init({
\ 'spell': 1,
\ 'spelllang': ['en', 'medical'],
\ 'dictionary': ['~/.vim/dictionary/medical_terms.txt',
\ '/usr/share/dict/words',
\ ],
\ 'thesaurus': ['~/.vim/dictionary/medical_synonyms.txt',
\ '~/.vim/thesaurus/mthesaur.txt',
\ ],
\ 'spellfile': ['~/.vim/spell/en.add'],
\ })
Then to quickly configure Vim for the current buffer, enter the command:
Where you are providing an explicit value, it will use that. Where you do not, it will fall back to your specified defaults or global settings.
See also
The ervandew/supertab plugin will make these Insert mode
completions available via the «tab»
If you find this plugin useful, you may want to check out these others originally by @reedes:
- vim-colors-pencil - color scheme for Vim inspired by IA Writer
- vim-litecorrect - lightweight auto-correction for vim
- vim-pencil - rethinking Vim as a tool for writers
- vim-textobj-quote - extends Vim to support typographic (‘curly’) quotes
- vim-textobj-sentence - improving on Vim's native sentence motion command
- vim-thematic - modify Vim’s appearance to suit your task and environment
- vim-wheel - screen-anchored cursor movement for Vim
- vim-wordy - uncovering usage problems in writing
- vim-wordchipper - power tool for shredding text in Insert mode
Future development
If you’ve spotted a problem or have an idea on improving this plugin, please post it to the GitHub project issue page.