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tagbar copied to clipboard

JS support?

Open ehynds opened this issue 13 years ago • 19 comments

I haven't been able to get this plugin to play nice with JavaScript files. Here's what the output looks like: http://gyazo.com/36426dcb57e835537f5561ffd45df2eb.png

I have tried setting g:tagbar_ctags_bin to both my exuberant ctags install and jsctags, but the output remains the same. I would expect to see some kind of hierarchy & organization of functions? Is there something I'm missing here?

ehynds avatar Jul 01 '11 13:07 ehynds

This seems to be a bug in jsctags. In my old checkout from April jsctags correctly reports the scopes that tags are in, but the current version doesn't do that. I'll file a bug with them, unfortunately there's nothing else I can do about that from within Tagbar.

majutsushi avatar Jul 03 '11 05:07 majutsushi

I have the exact same issue. I tried to check out this https://github.com/int3/doctorjs which is from March, and I am still unable to see scopes when using the plugin.

To which version of jsctags should I revert back? Can you share the one you have?

rolnxyz avatar Aug 31 '11 07:08 rolnxyz

I would also like some pointers on how to get jsctags working properly

huyz avatar Sep 02 '11 07:09 huyz

@majutsuhi I'm a bit confused in general about how to get jsctags working from within Tagbar. Tagbar says it's compatible, but if I set g:tagbar_ctags_bin I get an error. How does tagbar know to run jsctags instead of ctags?

huyz avatar Sep 02 '11 07:09 huyz

@rolnxyz: The official repo is at https://github.com/mozilla/doctorjs. This version worked for me: https://github.com/mozilla/doctorjs/commit/1062dd31625cc002261f15e68af77eedd63a56f6

@huyz: g:tagbar_ctags_bin is only for exuberant-ctags. If your jsctags binary is in your $PATH then it should 'just work', otherwise you will have to provide a tagbar type configuration with the ctagsbin key in it. See :help tagbar-extend for information on how to do that.

majutsushi avatar Sep 03 '11 06:09 majutsushi

@majutsushi Great thanks

huyz avatar Sep 03 '11 07:09 huyz

I can confirm that that commit works for me. Just:

git checkout 1062dd31625cc002261f15e68af77eedd63a56f6
sudo make install

and Tagbar works beautifully

huyz avatar Sep 03 '11 07:09 huyz

I installed the old version of jsctags and now, instead of getting a bunch functions with no namespace information, I just get the highest level namespaces and no function information at all.

This is the code I am trying to see in Tagbar

  window.Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: function() {
      return {
        done:  false,
        order: Todos.nextOrder()

    // Toggle the `done` state of this todo item.
    toggle: function() {
      this.save({done: !this.get("done")});


And this is what I see in vim GitHub Logo

This is happening because I am using Backboje.js framework. I know this is a jsctags issue and not a tagbar issue once again. I guess javascript is too complicated to accurately retrieve tags in a generic way.

Any help is appreciated.

rolnxyz avatar Sep 03 '11 08:09 rolnxyz

Yes, that's unfortunate, but again I can't do anything about that on Tagbar's side. If you run jsctags manually on your file you will see that it reports only this single tag. Once jsctags supports this style it should work without any changes in Tagbar, though.

majutsushi avatar Sep 03 '11 09:09 majutsushi

@rolnxyz You know, I got tired of all the tools that couldn't recognize functions inside of an anonymous wrapper function. Here are some that have trouble:

  • Closure Compiler
  • WebStorm IDE
  • and now jsctags

Interestingly, NetBeans seems to handle the situation fine..

So basically I just removed the anonymous wrapper and now I rely on Closure Compiler's --output_wrapper flag to wrap everything when I ship (in a similar way that coffee-script wraps by default, but more customizable). While developing, I don't really need this wrapper anyway.

huyz avatar Sep 03 '11 09:09 huyz

since in four months on jsctags side there is no answer on the scope problem I tried to use the older version as you suggested, but it gives me this output:

[07:25 pm] vheon@starkBox ~$ echo $NODE_PATH 
[07:25 pm] vheon@starkBox ~$ ls /usr/local/lib/jsctags/
ctags         log.js        paperboy.js   underscore.js
getopt.js     narcissus     traits.js
[07:25 pm] vheon@starkBox ~$ jsctags

        throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: require.paths is removed. Use node_modules folders, or the NODE_PATH environment variable instead.
    at Function.<anonymous> (module.js:378:11)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/bin/jsctags:41:8)
    at Module._compile (module.js:441:26)
    at Object..js (module.js:459:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:348:31)
    at Function._load (module.js:308:12)
    at Array.0 (module.js:479:10)
    at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:192:40)

someone can tell me why?

vheon avatar Apr 12 '12 17:04 vheon

Hm, no one seems to have any clever ideas, and I don't really use JavaScript myself so I probably can't be of much help. Maybe it's possible to modify the old jsctags version to make it work with newer node.js versions (which is the cause of the above error), but I don't know how much work that would be. Otherwise I guess we will have to wait for the main developer to have some time to re-add this functionality.

majutsushi avatar Apr 25 '12 06:04 majutsushi

The require.paths problems is due to node 0.6.x

Rolling back node on your system to 0.4.x will fix that issue. I suggest using https://github.com/creationix/nvm to manage various node versions on your box.

yunong avatar May 04 '12 04:05 yunong

I've cobbled together a working version from issue comments & a fork: https://github.com/faceleg/doctorjs. This version works with node 0.10.x.

faceleg avatar Apr 29 '13 02:04 faceleg

Nowadays there is a new jsctags.

stefandtw avatar Jan 16 '14 18:01 stefandtw

have you tried it? because I did tried it a couple of months ago, and that version of jsctags couldn't generate a proper tags files compatible with Exuberant Ctags (the format Tagbar recognizes).

If you get it to work, please update the Wiki, the community will thank you.

jelera avatar Jan 16 '14 23:01 jelera

There were some changes recently that apparently make it work: https://github.com/ramitos/jsctags/issues/2 I haven't tested it myself, though, and there seems to be another issue where not all tags are recognized: https://github.com/ramitos/jsctags/issues/3

majutsushi avatar Jan 16 '14 23:01 majutsushi

I have tried it a little bit, but not too much. For simple JavaScript files I see an outline with my prototype object and its methods, but it doesn't show any of the properties assigned in the constructor.

On the other hand, opening some library files like JQuery I just get lots of errors. That may be because of the issue majutsushi mentioned, I don't know.

stefandtw avatar Jan 17 '14 17:01 stefandtw

Can any of you Javascript aficionados comment on the status of this? Does jsctagas work now? Do we need to use the fork? Is there something that still needs fixing? Does uctags now cover Javasacript better? I'd be happy to facilitate a fix to this long standing issue but I don't have much to work with here. What's the current low down?

alerque avatar Oct 22 '19 12:10 alerque