nerdtree icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nerdtree copied to clipboard

A tree explorer plugin for vim.

Results 64 nerdtree issues
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#### Macvim version (macvim-v) ``` VIM - Vi IMproved 9.0 (2022 Jun 28, compiled Jul 25 2022 07:38:38) macOS version - x86_64 Included patches: 1-65 ``` #### Terminal name/version ```...

general question

### Description of Changes Closes # --- ### New Version Info #### Author's Instructions - [ ] Derive a new `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH` version number. Increment the: - `MAJOR` version when you...

#### Description Hi, in my current directory list I have `/home/whatever` this is unecersarry and gets chopped off the screen so I would like a feature to instead print `~/`this...

feature request

I have (from my [dotfiles](XenoBino/dotfiles)): ```

general question

# What? With this issue I am announcing my retirement from **NERDTree**. It's been a good six years, full of many enhancements and fixes for this much-loved plugin, but it's...

System info: - Neovim 0.6.0 - Kubuntu 20.04.3 LTS - Latest nerdtree I don't know if anybody else has experienced the same issue since there are no other complaints, but...


### Neovim version (nvim -v) NVIM v0.8.0-dev+169-ge50b1fe60 ### Vim (not Nvim) behaves the same? vim 8.2 ### Operating system/version 12.3.1 (21E258) ### Terminal name/version iterminal ### $TERM environment variable --...


I'm a newbie in vim and I currently set up my vim config for golang development environment. I read your document and it said: " Open the existing NERDTree on...

general question

Hi there, i am used to cfiles, where i am able to naviagte between directories with vim keybinds. So i want the same functionality in NerdTree I tried this: nnoremap...

general question

Hi there, I used nerdtree with lunarvim, but when I pressed Enter key to open a file, it was only half of the size, not full-size of the window? How...

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