nerdcommenter copied to clipboard
Vim plugin for intensely nerdy commenting powers
Add a new option `NERDInplaceComment` or something to enable reusing the space of existing leading whitespace for left delim, e.g: ```python def f(): print('foo') print('bar') ``` to be commented as:...
Add a new option `NERDCommentBeforeLeadingWhitespace` or something to allow behavior of `AddLeftDelim` to be changed to function! s:AddLeftDelim(delim, theLine) abort return substitute(a:theLine, '^\(\s*\)', a:delim . '\1' , '') endfunction This...
Commenting Vim9 code works, but uncommenting it does nothing. Only happens for indented code.
A command that in addition to yanking (like the `NERDCommenterYank`) command also pastes the yanked code below the commented out version. For example: Before running `NERDCommenterDuplicate` command ``` some code... I am using `c` for NERDCommentToggle
For example, it transforms '&&' to '-- &&' so that it is not interpreted as the '--&&' infix operator
From the source of '',I make the simplest configuration: ```vim scriptencoding utf-8 let g:vimhome=fnamemodify(resolve(expand(':p')), ':h') let mapleader=',' let maplocalleader=';' let &runtimepath=g:vimhome.'/runtime'.',$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,'.g:vimhome.'/runtime/after' call plug#begin(g:vimhome.'/bundle') " 插件声明 {{{ Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter' Plug 'posva/vim-vue'...
[suy/vim-context-commentstring]( fixes the issue of **Lue in VimScript** and [this issue of **HTML**]( by changing the `commentstring` value, but another issue appeared after using this, I think **nerdcommenter** stores the...
the issue reported in #425 is back and this is a possible fix
Dear developers, first of all thank you very much for the very nice and useful plugin! I have a minor issue to report. To reproduce the issue, do the following...