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getFirebase(...).firestore(...).set is not a function -- how to make firestore work inside action like v2 please help!

Open knour89 opened this issue 5 years ago • 25 comments

as we know from V3 no more getFirestore() it should be replaced with getFirebase().firestore() - but it's not working and give me below message getFirebase(...).firestore(...).set is not a function

here is my action

export const registerUser = data => async (dispatch, getState, getFirebase) => {
  const firebase = getFirebase();
  const firestore = getFirebase().firestore();
  try {
    let createdUser = await firebase
      .createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, data.password);

    await createdUser.user.updateProfile({
      displayName: data.displayName

    await firestore.set(`users/${createdUser.user.uid}`, {
      displayName: data.displayName,
      createdAt: firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()

here my configure store

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import { composeWithDevTools } from "redux-devtools-extension";
import { getFirebase } from "react-redux-firebase";

import thunk from "redux-thunk";
import rootReducer from "../reducers/rootReducer";

export const configureStore = () => {
  const middlewares = [thunk.withExtraArgument(getFirebase)];

  const composeEnhancers = composeWithDevTools(applyMiddleware(...middlewares));

  const store = createStore(rootReducer, composeEnhancers);
  return store;

knour89 avatar Jan 20 '20 20:01 knour89

Main Issue

If firestore.set is not available It may be due to not having imported Firestore - what do the imports look like along side your main initializeApp? Also, would help to include your app setup.

In the next section I describe how there is built in logic for doing what you seem to be writing logic for:

A Built In Way To Do Similar

Something to note: the functionality that you are trying to write (i.e a profile written to users/${uid}) is supported by default if you pass the following in your config:

  userProfile: 'users',
  useFirestoreForProfile: true // store profiles in Firestore instead of RTDB
  // updateProfileOnLogin: false // add if you don't want profile updated on every login
  /* Add to change how profiles are stored in database:
  profileFactory: (userData, profileData, firebase) => {
    const { user } = userData
    return {
  } */

This is also described in the profile recipes within the docs.

Then when you call firebase.login() or firebase.createUser the profile is automatically written to Firestore. If you would like to change the format of how the profile is written you can provide the profileFactory config.

If you need to call anything after (like updateProfile) you can do that after the login promise completes:

const { email, password, displayName } = data
const createdUser = await firebase.login({ email, password }, { email, displayName })
await createdUser.user.updateProfile({ displayName });

prescottprue avatar Jan 21 '20 17:01 prescottprue

hello here is my settings:

const rrfProps = { firebase, config: { userProfile: "users", useFirestoreForProfile: true, updateProfileOnLogin: false }, dispatch: store.dispatch, createFirestoreInstance };

and firebase config `const firebaseConfig = { apiKey: " ", authDomain: " ", databaseURL: " ", projectId: "r ", storageBucket: "r ", messagingSenderId: " ", appId: "1 ", measurementId: "" };

firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig); firebase.firestore();

export default firebase;`

My question how to user firestore inside action, can you give me example? becouse firebase().firstore is not working

knour89 avatar Jan 24 '20 09:01 knour89

I am not seeing any imports in your example, are you sure you are importing Firestore? Could you provide a full repo where this can be reproduced?

Based on your settings, as I noted above, you should be able to do the following without creating a separate custom action:

const { email, password, displayName } = data
const createdUser = await firebase.login({ email, password }, { email, displayName })
await createdUser.user.updateProfile({ displayName })

prescottprue avatar Jan 27 '20 18:01 prescottprue

I believe I am having the same problem. I believe I have set everything up according to the instructions (I'll summarize below).

  1. I've initialized firebase & firebase.firestore()
  2. I've passed getFirebase as an extra argument to redux-thunk
  3. I've added the appropriate reducers to my rootReducer
  4. I've wrapped my app in react-redux's Provider and in ReactReduxFirebaseProvider

In my components, I can successfully use hooks (useFirebase, useFirestore) to get the corresponding instances.

In my thunk actions, I can use getFirebase() to get the firebase instance, but getFirebase().firestore() does not give me the firestore instance. Or at least, that's what I've assumed from primitive console.log inspection. In a component, all methods (including set) are available, whereas in the thunk they are not.


// in a component
const firestore = useFirestore()

// output
  blob: function PublicConstructor()
  CollectionReference: function PublicConstructor()​
  DocumentReference: function PublicConstructor()​
  DocumentSnapshot: function PublicConstructor()​
  FieldPath: function FieldPath$1()​
  FieldValue: function PublicConstructor()​
  Firestore: function PublicConstructor()​
  GeoPoint: function GeoPoint(latitude, longitude)​
  Query: function PublicConstructor()​
  QueryDocumentSnapshot: function PublicConstructor()​
  QuerySnapshot: function PublicConstructor()​
  Timestamp: function Timestamp(seconds, nanoseconds)​
  Transaction: function PublicConstructor()​
  WriteBatch: function PublicConstructor()​
  _: Object ... ,
  add: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  batch: function ()
  collection: function ()
  collectionGroup: function ()
  configureClient: function ()
  default: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  delete: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  deleteRef: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  disableNetwork: function ()
  doc: function ()
  enableNetwork: function ()
  enablePersistence: function ()
  ensureClientConfigured: function ()
  get: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  onSnapshot: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  runTransaction: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  set: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  setListener: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  setListeners: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  setLogLevel: function setLogLevel(level)​
  settings: function ()
  unsetListener: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  unsetListeners: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()​
  update: function createWithFirebaseAndDispatch()
// in a thunk
const firebase = getFirebase()
const firestore = firebase.firestore()

// output
  INTERNAL: Object ... ,
  _credentials: Object ... ,
  _dataConverter: Object ... ,
  _databaseId: Object ... ,
  _firebaseApp: Object ... ,
  _firestoreClient: Object ... ,
  _persistenceKey: "[DEFAULT]"
  _queue: Object ... ,
  _settings: Object ... ,

Any idea what is up? I can provide a complete repo/sandbox given the time if it helps.

eliasnorrby avatar Jan 29 '20 15:01 eliasnorrby

A full repro in codesandbox would be good - The usage of the new context API changes how gathering the extended firebase instance works.

prescottprue avatar Jan 29 '20 23:01 prescottprue

Okay, here's an example:

It started pretty minimal but grew when I wanted to test different cases, I hope there's not too much fluff. The demo just fetches a document from firestore in different contexts (component vs thunk), using different apis (base vs extended) and different ways of acquiring the firestore instance (firebase.firestore() vs useFirestore()). Here's a summary:

In a component:

  • useFirebase().firestore().get(..) : broken
  • useFirebase().firestore().collection(..).doc(..).get() : works
  • useFirestore().get(..) : works
  • useFirestore().collection(..).doc(..).get() : works

In a thunk:

  • getFirebase().firestore().get(..) : broken
  • getFirebase().firestore().collection(..).doc(..).get() : works

So, in short, the extended firestore api doesn't seem to be available when using firebase.firestore().

eliasnorrby avatar Jan 30 '20 08:01 eliasnorrby

I am not seeing any imports in your example, are you sure you are importing Firestore? Could you provide a full repo where this can be reproduced?

Based on your settings, as I noted above, you should be able to do the following without creating a separate custom action:

const { email, password, displayName } = data
const createdUser = await firebase.login({ email, password }, { email, displayName })
await createdUser.user.updateProfile({ displayName })

can u please create an example how to use firestore inside actions?

knour89 avatar Feb 02 '20 02:02 knour89

again here is my codes: Firebase.js

 import firebase from "firebase/app";
import "firebase/firestore";
import "firebase/auth";
import "firebase/storage";
import "firebase/database";

const firebaseConfig = {


export default firebase;

Configure Store:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import { composeWithDevTools } from "redux-devtools-extension";
import { getFirebase } from "react-redux-firebase";

import thunk from "redux-thunk";
import rootReducer from "../reducers/rootReducer";

export const configureStore = () => {
  const middlewares = [thunk.withExtraArgument(getFirebase)];

  const composeEnhancers = composeWithDevTools(applyMiddleware(...middlewares));

  const store = createStore(rootReducer, composeEnhancers);
  return store;

root reducer:

import { combineReducers } from "redux";
import { reducer as FormReducer } from "redux-form";
import { reducer as toastrReducer } from "react-redux-toastr";
import eventReducer from "../../features/event/eventReducer";
import ModalReducer from "../../features/Modals/ModalReducer";
import AuthReducers from "../../features/auth/AuthReducers";
import AsyncReducers from "../../features/async/AsyncReducers";
import { firebaseReducer } from "react-redux-firebase";
import { firestoreReducer } from "redux-firestore";

export default combineReducers({
  firebase: firebaseReducer,
  firestore: firestoreReducer,
  form: FormReducer,
  toastr: toastrReducer,
  auth: AuthReducers,
  events: eventReducer,
  modals: ModalReducer,
  async: AsyncReducers


import firebase from "./app/config/firebase";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { ReactReduxFirebaseProvider } from "react-redux-firebase";
import { createFirestoreInstance } from "redux-firestore";
import { BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import { configureStore } from "./app/store/configureStore";

const store = configureStore();
const rrfProps = {
  config: {
    userProfile: "users",
    useFirestoreForProfile: true,
    updateProfileOnLogin: false
  dispatch: store.dispatch,

let render = () => {
    <Provider store={store}>
      <ReactReduxFirebaseProvider {...rrfProps}>
            <ScrollToTop />
            <App />

and until now cant use getFirebase().firestore()

knour89 avatar Feb 02 '20 02:02 knour89

Has anyone tried using getFirestore from redux-firestore?

prescottprue avatar Feb 03 '20 20:02 prescottprue

Yes, that's where I started. I've added that option to the sandbox. Calling getFirestore in the thunk gives me the error:

Firebase instance does not yet exist. Check your compose function.

eliasnorrby avatar Feb 04 '20 05:02 eliasnorrby

help please, I did turn around = I used withFirestore & withFirebase as hoc then pass it aas urgmenets to action but this is alot of code here

export default compose(
  connect(mapStateToProps, { createEvent, updateEvent, cancelToggle }),
  reduxForm({ form: "eventForm", enableReinitialize: true, validate })

knour89 avatar Feb 09 '20 00:02 knour89

@knour89 did you find any solution, because I'm also stuck with the same?

deepankar14693 avatar Feb 20 '20 06:02 deepankar14693

@knour89 : Here is the solution of your exact problem. Instead of calling await firebase.set(users/${createdUser.user.uid}, { ...newUser }) from action creator try the given below function from registerForm, you just have to import from {withFirestore} from react-redux-firebase and use it as a HOC in RegisterFormComponent. It works for me because I was stuck in the same problem. Feel free to ask if below code is not clear:

onFormSubmit = async (values) => {
    try {
      await this.props.registerUser(values);
      let newUser = {
        displayName: values.displayName,
        createdAt: this.props.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
      const uid = this.props.uid;
      await this.props.firestore.set(`users/${uid}`, { ...newUser })
    catch (err) {

deepankar14693 avatar Feb 20 '20 09:02 deepankar14693

@deepankar14693 : That surely works, but the issue here is specifically related to using firestore in a redux thunk. We don't want to call firestore.set within a onClick or onFormSubmit handler, but within a thunk, i.e.

/* component.js */
onFormSubmit = (values) => dispatch(registerUser(values))

/* some-thunk.js */
registerUser = (values) => async (dispatch, getState, { getFirebase }) => {
  const firestore = getFirebase().firestore()
  firestore.set(/* ... */)

The workaround for now seems to be to get hold of the firestore instance within the component (using either the hooks or the HOC API) and pass it along in the action creator.

/* component.js */
const  firestore = useFirestore()
/* ... */
onFormSubmit = (values) => dispatch(registerUser(values, firestore))

/* some-thunk.js */
registerUser = (values, firestore) => async (dispatch, getState) => {
  firestore.set(/* ... */)

eliasnorrby avatar Feb 20 '20 22:02 eliasnorrby

TypeError: getFireStore is not a function when pass argument in action creator.

firebase.js import firebase from 'firebase/app'; import 'firebase/firestore'; import 'firebase/auth';

var firebaseConfig = { secretKey }; // Initialize Firebase firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig); firebase.firestore()

export default firebase;

Root.jsx import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import authReducer from './reducers/authReducer'; import projectReducer from './reducers/projectReducer';

const rootReducers = combineReducers({ auth: authReducer, project: projectReducer, })
export default rootReducers;


import {createStore } from 'redux'; import { applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux'; import logger from 'redux-logger'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import { reduxFirestore, getFirestore } from 'redux-firestore'; import { reactReduxFirebase, getFirebase, } from 'react-redux-firebase'; import firebase from '../config/firebase'; import rootReducers from './root'; const middlewares = [logger, thunk.withExtraArgument({getFirebase, getFirestore})]

const store = createStore(rootReducers,compose( reactReduxFirebase(firebase), reduxFirestore(firebase), applyMiddleware(...middlewares) )) export default store;


const INITIAL_STATE = { projects: [ {id: 1, title: 'The Singh is King', content: 'This is book about man power'}, {id: 2, title: 'The Singh is King', content: 'This is book about man power'} ] };

const projectReducer = (state = INITIAL_STATE, action) => { switch(action.type ) { case 'CREATE_PROJECT': console.log('created project', action.project) return state case 'CREATE_PROJECT_ERROR': console.log('Error in project created', action.type); return state

        return state

} export default projectReducer;


export const createProject = (project) => { return (dispatch, getState, {getFirebase, getFireStore} ) => {

    const firestore = getFireStore();
        authorFirstname: 'Robin',
        authorLastname: 'Kumar',
        author: 12121,
        createdAt: new Date()
        dispatch({ type: 'CREATE_PROJECT', project })
        dispatch({type: 'CREATE_PROJECT_ERROR', err})


hemantkumar5151 avatar Feb 21 '20 09:02 hemantkumar5151

@eliasnorrby I was just trying to help @knour89 out so that he can move on with further development and not just get stuck. I tried finding the solution to use getFirestore in redux-thunk but currently I'm unable to do so. If you have found out the answer, please let me know I'll be highly thankful to you.

deepankar14693 avatar Feb 25 '20 06:02 deepankar14693

@deepankar14693 Yes, of course, it's just that from @knour89 's latest comment it seemed he was using a workaround involving withFirestore already, so I was a little confused as to what you meant. :smile:

Haven't found a solution yet, but I'll let you know if I do. Likewise to you – if you find one I'd be very grateful to know. 🙏

eliasnorrby avatar Feb 25 '20 13:02 eliasnorrby

@eliasnorrby what about createFirestoreInstance which is imported from redux-firestore and passed as props to ReactReduxFirebaseProvider. Infact it takes firebase as parameter and in return gives a firestore instance. Time for some R&D......

deepankar14693 avatar Feb 26 '20 05:02 deepankar14693

@knour89 Hi,

I find that when firestore instance created by firebase.firestore() we don't have access to "set", because it is not a native firestore method, you can change your code like this:

const firestore = firebase.firestore();
await firestore.collection("users").doc(createdUser.user.uid).set({yourProperties})

In addition of "set" there are other methods such as "get, add, update, delete ,..." which they are available through getFirestore(). For more information you can check reduxFirestore enhancer

If you still need those enhanced capabilities you can set thunk to pass down getFirestore like this:

import { createStore, compose, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import thunk from "redux-thunk";
import { getFirestore, reduxFirestore } from "redux-firestore";
import { getFirebase } from "react-redux-firebase";
import firebase from "../config/fb-config";
import { createFirestoreInstance } from "redux-firestore";

import rootReducer from "./reducers/root-reducer";

const rrfConfig = {
  userProfile: "users",
  useFirestoreForProfile: true,
  enableClaims: true

const initialState = {};
const middlewares = [thunk.withExtraArgument({ getFirebase, getFirestore })]; 
const store = createStore(
  compose(applyMiddleware(...middlewares), reduxFirestore(firebase, rrfConfig))

export const rrfProps = {
  config: rrfConfig,
  dispatch: store.dispatch,

export default store;

Then in your action you can access to enhanced firestore instance by provoking getFirestore().

export const createDoc = newDoc => {
  return async (dispatch, getState, { getFirebase, getFirestore }) => {
  const firestoreEnhanced = getFirestore(); // with additional methods like set, get,..
  const firestoreOrginal = getFirebase.firestore(); // not enhanced, set method is not available

Hopefully it is related to what you actually need and solves your problem.

makannew avatar Mar 06 '20 01:03 makannew

@deepankar14693 Yes, of course, it's just that from @knour89 's latest comment it seemed he was using a workaround involving withFirestore already, so I was a little confused as to what you meant. 😄

Haven't found a solution yet, but I'll let you know if I do. Likewise to you – if you find one I'd be very grateful to know. 🙏

Have you found a solution? I am having a similar issue but I am using the redux toolkit, all HOC functions and hooks works fine, but passing the getFirebase & getFirestore to thunk failed, it says Firebase not defined ...

according to the doc, store enhancers are deprecated in V3 in favor of the React context API, looks like the API documentation is not up to date for Thunk in V3


agiguere avatar Sep 09 '20 01:09 agiguere

@agiguere Haven't been working on the related project for some months. Not really up to date on whether there has been any updates to react redux firebase to solve it, but the workaround I described in a previous comment should still work, I guess.

Since (like you're saying) the hooks work, you can get hold of the firebase or firestore instance in the component using useFirebase() or useFirestore() and pass them as an argument to your action handler.

eliasnorrby avatar Sep 11 '20 11:09 eliasnorrby

@deepankar14693 : That surely works, but the issue here is specifically related to using firestore in a redux thunk. We don't want to call firestore.set within a onClick or onFormSubmit handler, but within a thunk, i.e.

/* component.js */
onFormSubmit = (values) => dispatch(registerUser(values))

/* some-thunk.js */
registerUser = (values) => async (dispatch, getState, { getFirebase }) => {
  const firestore = getFirebase().firestore()
  firestore.set(/* ... */)

The workaround for now seems to be to get hold of the firestore instance within the component (using either the hooks or the HOC API) and pass it along in the action creator.

/* component.js */
const  firestore = useFirestore()
/* ... */
onFormSubmit = (values) => dispatch(registerUser(values, firestore))

/* some-thunk.js */
registerUser = (values, firestore) => async (dispatch, getState) => {
  firestore.set(/* ... */)

Cool ! However, I'm getting a duplicate Firebase App warning. Doesn't that create security loopholes and how do I solve it?


Jsh007 avatar Sep 18 '20 08:09 Jsh007

@Jsh007 I believe that is coming from initializeApp being called multiple times - this can happen in development easily due to module reloading - Try only initializing if the instance doesn't exist or putting a try/catch around the call to initializeApp

prescottprue avatar Sep 21 '20 17:09 prescottprue

@prescottprue Thank you. I'm still unable to access getFirestore and getFirebase in my thunk action creators. Presently, I'm creating an instance of useFirestore and UseFirbase in my Ui components and passing It along with payload to my thunk action creators and it is making my App unstable. Since I became comfortable with reduxToolkit; I have come to love it. I now find vanilla redux unnecessarily verbose and unusable. I'm using ReduxToolkit with configureStore. RRF is a great tool, but please could you see why getFirestore and getFirebase aren't passing through to thunk action creators when using configureStore?

My store; store.js

import { configureStore, getDefaultMiddleware } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import {
  constants as rfConstants,
} from "redux-firestore";
import {
  actionTypes as rrfActionTypes,
} from "react-redux-firebase";
import auth from "../features/auth/authSlice";

const reducer = {
  firebase: firebaseReducer,
  firestore: firestoreReducer,
const extraArgument = {
const middleware = [
    serializableCheck: {
      ignoredActions: [
        // just ignore these
          (type) => `${rfConstants.actionsPrefix}/${type}`
          (type) => `@@reactReduxFirebase/${type}`
      ignoredPaths: ["auth", "firebase", "firestore"],
    thunk: {

const preLoadedState = {};
const Store = configureStore({
  devTools: true,
  enhancers: (defaultEnhancers) => [...defaultEnhancers],

export default Store;

My App.js

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native";
import Navigation from "./features/navigation/Navigation";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import Store from "./store/Store";
import {
} from "react-redux-firebase";
import { createFirestoreInstance } from "redux-firestore";
import firebase from "./config/fbConfig";
if (__DEV__) {
import Reactotron from "reactotron-react-native";
import { YellowBox } from "react-native";
// UI kitten
import * as eva from "@eva-design/eva";
import { ApplicationProvider } from "@ui-kitten/components";

YellowBox.ignoreWarnings(["Setting a timer"]);

// Reactotron.log("Awake !");

import { AppLoading } from "expo";
import { Asset } from "expo-asset";
import * as Font from "expo-font";

function cacheImages(images) {
  return => {
    if (typeof image === "string") {
      return Image.prefetch(image);
    } else {
      return Asset.fromModule(image).downloadAsync();

function cacheFonts(fonts) {
  return => Font.loadAsync(font));

export default function App() {

  const [isReady, setisReady] = useState(false);

  const _loadAssetsAsync = async () => {
    const imageAssets = cacheImages([

    const fontAssets = cacheFonts([
      { "OpenSans-Regular": require("./assets/font/OpenSans-Regular.ttf") },
      { "OpenSans-Bold": require("./assets/font/OpenSans-Bold.ttf") },
      { "OpenSans-Light": require("./assets/font/OpenSans-Light.ttf") },

    await Promise.all([...imageAssets, ...fontAssets]);

  if (!isReady) {
    return (
        onFinish={() => setisReady(true)}

  // react-redux-firebase config
  const rrfConfig = {
    userProfile: "users",
    enableClaims: true,
    useFirestoreForProfile: true,

  // React-redux-firebase props
  const rrfProps = {
    config: rrfConfig,
    dispatch: Store.dispatch,

  return (
    <Provider store={Store}>
      <ReactReduxFirebaseProvider {...rrfProps}>
          <ApplicationProvider {...eva} theme={eva.light}>
            <Navigation />

my RTK slice (authSlice.js)

import { createSlice, createAsyncThunk } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

const authSlice = createSlice({
  name: "auth",
  initialState: {
    loading: "idle",
    authError: null,
  reducers: {
    processStarted: (state, action) => {
      if (state.loading === "idle") {
        state.loading = "pending";
      state.authError = null;
    processCompleted: (state, action) => {
      if (state.loading === "pending") {
        state.loading = "idle";
      state.authError = null;
    processFailed: (state, action) => {
      if (state.loading === "pending") {
        // Receive error msg from action.payload and put on a state property called errorMessage
        state.loading = "idle";
      state.authError = "Error: " + action.payload;
  extraReducers: {},

export const signIn = (credentials, { firebase, firestore }) => async (
) => {
  const firebaseRRF = getFirebase(); // NOT WORKING
  try {
    await firebase.login(credentials); // RRF'S Ehanced function
    // await firebase
    //   .auth()
    //   .signInWithEmailAndPassword(, credentials.password);
    // await firebase.authWithPassword(credentials);
  } catch (error) {
    const errorMsg = error.message;
    const [methodError, shortMsg] = errorMsg.split(":");

export const signUp = (credentials, profile, { firebase, firestore }) => async (
) => {
  const firebaseRRF = getFirebase(); // NOT WORKING
  try {
    // await firebase
    //   .auth()
    //   .createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, credentials.password);
    // dispatch(processCompleted());

    await firebase.createUser(credentials, profile);
  } catch (error) {
    const errorMsg = error.message;
    const errorMsgShort = errorMsg.split(":");

//TODO: Unable to access getFirebase and thus cannot connect to firebase. FIX IT !

export const {
} = authSlice.actions;
export default authSlice.reducer;

My Ui component; SignIn.js

// FB instances
  const firebase = useFirebase(); // - Currently doing this
  const firestore = useFirestore(); // - Currently doing this
  const fbref = {

  // Submit handler
  function handleSubmit(cred, fb) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      dispatch(login(cred, fb));
    }, 500);
// I pass the firebase and firestore instances along with form data to the thunk action creator; login(). I don't want to keep doing this, I want to access getFirebase and getFirestore directly from the props on login() in my authSlice.js file ( where login is defined) 
                  onPress={() => handleSubmit({ email, password }, fbref)}

Jsh007 avatar Oct 04 '20 11:10 Jsh007

@Jsh007 Try thunkAPI.extra.getFirebase().

oother332 avatar Nov 08 '20 00:11 oother332