premake-core copied to clipboard
xcode4 bug with generated file with same name, but different path
What seems to be the problem?
Generated files with same name, but different path is problematic with xcode4: only one of them is usable in project.
How can we reproduce this?
files { "file.h" }
filter {"files:file.h", "configurations:Release"}
buildcommands {"touch obj/Release/file.cpp"} -- placeholder
buildoutputs {"obj/Release/file.cpp"}
compilebuildoutputs (true)
filter {"files:file.h", "configurations:Debug"}
buildcommands {"touch obj/Debug/file.cpp"} -- placeholder
buildoutputs {"obj/Debug/file.cpp"}
compilebuildoutputs (true)
files { "file.h" }
filter {"files:file.h"}
buildcommands {"touch %{cfg.objdir}/file.cpp"}
buildoutputs {"%{cfg.objdir}/file.cpp"}
compilebuildoutputs (true)
both produce
/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
30E2B22287701C945FE93062 /* file.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C1F7F02AC568C25C46D5666A /* file.cpp */; };
/* End PBXBuildFile section */
/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
543454BAF886F26C0ABF3AFA /* app.exe */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; includeInIndex = 0; name = app.exe; path = app.exe; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
C1F7F02AC568C25C46D5666A /* file.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = file.cpp; path = obj/Debug/file.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C8BC6AF46C07F42686D8C134 /* file.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = file.h; path = ../../file.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
/* End PBXFileReference section */
missing release generated file.
- [ ] Visual Studio 2022 (vs2022)
- [ ] Visual Studio 2019 (vs2019)
- [ ] Visual Studio 2017 (vs2017)
- [ ] Visual Studio 2015 (vs2015)
- [ ] Visual Studio 2012 (vs2012)
- [ ] Visual Studio 2010 (vs2010)
- [ ] Visual Studio 2008 (vs2008)
- [ ] Visual Studio 2005 (vs2005)
- [ ] GNU Makefile (gmake)
- [ ] GNU Makefile 2 (gmake2)
- [x] XCode (xcode)
- [ ] Codelite
- [ ] Other (Please list below)
What version of Premake are you using?
latest branch version
Anything else we should know? Add any other context about the problem here.