SDSlite copied to clipboard
Failed to create netcdf classic dataset
Hi, First, I wish to use this moment to say a big thank you to the team that has put together this sort-after scientific library useful for interacting with netCDF in C#.
I wrote the code below to create a new netcdf data using the classic netcdf library, that is, netcdf without hdf5. However, I got this error "NetCDF4 error" on the first line of using (DataSet ds = DataSet.Open($"msds:nc?file={outputnc}&openMode=createNew"))
. After tracing the error, I realised it was a netcdf error number -128 which means Attempt to use a feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built.
So I have two questions:
- Why is the SDSlite not working with my netCDF whereas I have other programs, utilities and packages that use the same netCDF on my machine without any issue?
- Let us assume I install a dedicated netCDF library for use with SDSLite only, how could I configure the
for a specific netCDF.dll path?
`public static void TestNetCDF() { // Output filename var outputnc = "";
// Define dimensions
int latSize = 10; // Number of latitude points
int lonSize = 20; // Number of longitude points
int timeSize = 5; // Number of time steps
// Create a new NetCDF file
using (DataSet ds = DataSet.Open($"msds:nc?file={outputnc}&openMode=createNew"))
// Generate dimension values
float[] lats = Enumerable.Range(0, latSize).Select(i => 0.0f + (i * 0.25f)).ToArray();
float[] lons = Enumerable.Range(0, lonSize).Select(i => 0.0f + (i * 0.25f)).ToArray();
DateTime[] times = Enumerable.Range(0, timeSize).Select(d => DateTime.Now.AddDays(d)).ToArray();
// Define dimensions
var lat_dim = ds.AddAxis<float[]>("lat", "degrees north", lats);
var lon_dim = ds.AddAxis<float[]>("lon", "degrees east", lons);
var time_dim = ds.AddAxis<DateTime[]>("time", "days since 01-01-2024", times, true);
time_dim.Metadata["name"] = "Time";
time_dim.Metadata["long_name"] = "Time";
// Create a variable (e.g., temperature)
var temperature = ds.Add<double[,,]>("temperature", ["time", "lat", "lon"]);
temperature.MissingValue = -1.0e-32d;
// Generate some sample data (you can replace this with actual data)
double[,,] data2d;
for (int t = 0; t < timeSize; t++)
data2d = new double[1,latSize, lonSize];
for (int ilat = 0; ilat < latSize; ilat++)
for (int ilon = 0; ilon < lonSize; ilon++)
// Assign temperature values (e.g., random values for demonstration)
data2d[0,ilat, ilon] = (20.0 + 2.0 * (ilat + ilon) + t);
// Assign temperature values (e.g., random values for demonstration)
temperature.PutData([t, 0, 0], data2d);
// Add metadata (optional)
ds.Metadata["title"] = "My 3D NetCDF Dataset";
ds.Metadata["institution"] = "My Institution";
ds.Metadata["comment"] = "Sample 3D dataset with temperature data";
// Save the dataset
Console.WriteLine("NetCDF file created successfully!");