Munki-SelfService-On-Demand copied to clipboard
A set of utilities that take advantage of Munki’s On Demand nopkg script delivery capability which can be run over and over since they do not actually “Install”.
v. 1.0.18
April 23, 2022
Alex Narvey /
Here is a set of utilities that take advantage of Munki’s On Demand nopkg script delivery capability which can be run over and over since they do not actually “Install”.
No warrantee is offered. Neither express nor implied. Use at your own risk.
To use them:
Copy the plist files from the pkgsinfo folder into: munki_repo/pkgsinfo
Copy the icons from the icon folder into: munki_repo/icons
Run the make catalog command: /usr/local/munki/makecatalogs
Add the Packages to the “Optional Install” property of the desired Manifest. I used Munki Admin for this.
Save the changes in Munki Admin and then update the client to see your new Utilities in a “SelfService” category.
The Utilities
Opens the System Preferences Accessibility pane (A.K.A. Universal Access) which Dr. Emily Kausalik-Whittle suggested adding to all self-service portals in her MacSysAdmin 2021 presentation entitled "Inclusive Design for Mac Admins". (I used the icon from /System/Library/PreferencePanes/UniversalAccessPref.prefPane/Contents/Resources/UniversalAccessPref.icns) 10.14.6 or higher
Initiates an update of all installed Creative Cloud apps so that Standard Users can update their Creative Cloud. Requires that an Admin has already packaged and installed a RemoteUpdateManager enabled version of Creative Cloud Desktop App using the Adobe Creative Cloud Packager. 10.9.5 or higher
This utility will clear the contents of the folder /private/var/folders which caches various things that may become corrupt and - among other things - prevent an app from launching. This is “big medicine” and should only be undertaken under the advisement of your system administrator. After performing this function you should then choose "Restart" from the Apple menu to start up the computer. It will automatically rebuild anything it needs in /private/var/folders. 10.9.5 or higher
Flushes the DNS cache on 10.10.4 and higher. 10.10.4 or higher It could work for 10.9.5 too but I did not build in the logic to discern the OS and provide the relevant alternative for 10.0.0 -> 10.0.3. (Maybe in version 2.0)
Ejects the media from the optical drive for older Macs and Macs with USB SuperDrives. For those times when the digital eject button is just not working. 10.9.5 or higher
Forces the Trash on all mounted volumes to empty, purging locked and "in use" files that standard users normally can't get rid of. 10.9.5 or higher
Enables Apple Remote Desktop client for all users. (a more complete script with the ability to enable for specific users only is discussed at: 10.9.5 or higher
Resets the permissions of the user's Home folder as per Apple Tech Note: 10.11 or higher
A harmless test for proof of concept. It throes up a dismissible dialog box box. 10.9.5 or higher
It prompts the user to plug in their iOS device and then launches QuickTime and starts a Movie Recording to share the screen with a remote support session. It does not seem possible at this time to use command line to choose the iPhone/iPad camera - the user must do this manually. (I’ve tried over 20 formulations with no success so if anyone knows how please share!) 10.10.5 or higher
Resets launch services to help with problems in window display and open with performance. 10.9.5 or higher.
Makes the ~/Library invisible again - if a user has made it visible and wants to return it to its natural state. 10.9.5 or higher.
Makes the normally invisible ~/Library folder visible and opens it in the Finder. 10.9.5 or higher.
Gathers all System and Install logs and places an archive into the user's downloads folder. 10.9.5 or higher.
Adds standard user to lpadmin group to allow for administration of print queues. 10.12.6 or higher.
Vacuums the Mail app database to make it more efficient. 10.9.5 or higher.
Deletes the Mail app Envelope and causes Mail to resync with the server and pull down all the messages again. Can take a long time depending on amount of mail and internet speed. 10.12.6 or higher.
Initiates a malware scan utilizing Malwarebytes for Mac 3.0 or higher provided it is properly installed and access privileges are granted - see included document "Munki and osascript Notes" 10.12.6 or higher.
Runs the "purge" command to free up memory without requiring a restart. It may aid in performance. Modern versions of macOS are quite good at managing memory on their own so this command may only result in the cached files being cleaned out. 10.9.5 or higher.
Lets a standard user reboot to Recovery mode or Hardware Diagnostic mode based on Rich Trouton's script for Jamf pro. 10.12.0 or higher.
Test your internet speed (upload and download simultaneously) using Apple's Network Quality test. Adapted from a script by Brock Walter posted to Jamf Nation Community: 12.0 or higher.
Deletes the Spotlight index (for both internal and external disks). Performance WILL be impacted during the rebuild. 10.9.5 or higher.
Enable the Startup Chime on T1 and T2 chip Macs from 2016 on. 10.13.0 or higher.
Deletes the active users font cache. 10.9.5 or higher.
Lets a standard user view the System log with the /Applications/Utilities/Console app. 10.9.5 or higher.
- March 6, 2016 Version 1.0
- March 7, 2016 Version 1.0.1 Added logic to the DNS Flush Cache to handle 10.9.5 and up by dealing with the special cases of 10.0.0-10.0.3.
- March 11, 2016 Version 1.0.2 Added a Speedteest module and touched up the PS-mail-rebuilder icon.
- April 2, 2016 Version 1.0.3 Added a Log Collection module. Fixed category of PS-iOS_screen_share. Reduced size of all icons to improve performance.
- August 16, 2016 Version 1.0.4 Added an Adobe Creative Cloud updater (for those admins who have packaged and installed a RemoteUpdateManager enabled CC Desktop App).
- September 3, 2016 Version 1.0.5 Added a module to reset the permissions of the users Home folder.
- October 6, 2016 Version 1.0.6 Added macOS Sierra compatibility to PS-mail_optimizer and PS-mail_rebuilder.
- October 9, 2016 Version 1.0.7 Added Oliver Hetzner's AppleScript and other mods to PS-cc_udpater. Added PS-force_empty_trash, PS-library_visible, PS-library_invisible, and PS-eject_cd_dvd. Edited comments in PS-mail_optimizer and PS-mail_rebuilder
- November 29, 2016 Version 1.0.8 Added PS-clean_var_folders to clean up corrupted cache files that may prevent apps from launching - among other things.
- January 4, 2017 Version 1.0.9 Added PS-purge and PS-view_console_as_admin. Updated PS-clean_var_folders to attempt to remove contents of zz folder.
- April 5, 2017 Version 1.0.10 Added PS-enable_ard to enable the Apple Remote Desktop client (more info at
- October 16, 2017 Version 1.0.11 Added PS-malware_scan to initiate a Malwarebytes for Mac 3.0 scan. (May require some other manipulations. See included "Munki and osascript Notes").
- February 23, 2020 Version 1.0.12 Added PS-startup_chime to enable the missing Startup Chime on Macs from 2016 on with T1 or T2 chips.
- February 26, 2020 Version 1.0.13 Added PS-lpadmin to put standard users into lpadmin print group to allow for administration of print queues. Updated PS-Mail_Rebuilder and PS Mail_Optimizer to work for Sierra up to Catalina
- April 8, 2020 Version 1.0.14 Added PS-Recovery_Diagnostic_Reboot based on Rich Trouton's (Der Flouder's) script.
- April 8, 2020 Version 1.0.15 Removed the DerFlounder url from inside the PS-Recovery_Diagnostic_Reboot.plist to avoid errors.
- October 9, 2021 Version 1.0.16 Added Accessibility Preferences utility as suggested by Dr. Emily Kausalik in her MacSysAdmin 2021 presentation "Inclusive Design for Mac Admins".
- October 11, 2021 Version 1.0.17 Removed the redundant sudo command in the spotlight and user-font-cache scripts.
- April 23, 2022 Version 1.0.18 SpeedTest 2.0.1 now utilizes Apple's Network Quality testing requiring macOS 12.0 or higher (adapted from a script by Brock Walters posted on Jamf Nation Community
- Alex Narvey
- Oliver Hertzner
- Henri Kovanen
— Alex Narvey