next-plugin-preact icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
next-plugin-preact copied to clipboard

Next.js plugin for preact X

Next.js plugin for preact X


npm install --save next next-plugin-preact preact react@npm:@preact/compat react-dom@npm:@preact/compat react-ssr-prepass@npm:preact-ssr-prepass preact-render-to-string


yarn add next next-plugin-preact preact react@npm:@preact/compat react-dom@npm:@preact/compat react-ssr-prepass@npm:preact-ssr-prepass preact-render-to-string


Create a next.config.js in your project and apply the plugin.

// next.config.js
const withPreact = require('next-plugin-preact');

module.exports = withPreact({
    /* regular next.js config options here */