vscode-amiga-assembly copied to clipboard
I can't compile and run anymore.. i get tons of errors
When I returned to programming the Amiga using the Amiga assembler extension after two years, suddenly, all my programs, which worked before, got tons of errors and didn't compile or run the emulator.
I've tried changing versions of Visual Studio and Amiga assembler and all it did was changing the errors I get.
Now I'm on the Latest version of Amiga Assembler (1.8.10) and version 1.95.3 on Visual Studio Code.
After compiling I the a message box with the error:
when viewing the Terminal I see that I did no compile the main file (main.s) but a random file.
also, I get a lot of errors in the source files ( and those files are ok) and I get errors even in the amiga library files.
I'm very frustrated.. i hope you can help me out.