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Release a version

Open tatosjb opened this issue 3 years ago • 54 comments

Recently was integrated a PR who solves the font cache issue.

Is possible to release a version? The last release is from December 31.

tatosjb avatar Jan 21 '21 11:01 tatosjb

A new release is required for proper dependencies for Ruby 3.1:

donv avatar Dec 28 '21 23:12 donv

Hi folks, any news on this?

AlfonsoUceda avatar Dec 29 '21 08:12 AlfonsoUceda

OK, I will push a new release before the snow melts away. But to set expectations right it won't happen in the next two weeks.

pointlessone avatar Dec 29 '21 11:12 pointlessone

Hey, folks! Any news on this issue?

alec-c4 avatar Jan 23 '22 19:01 alec-c4

A prawn version 3.0 would be pretty neat eventually.

We have some competition e. g. hexapdf by gettalong. I have quite a lot of pdf-generation code in different projects, so I am re-evaluating old code every now and then. One advantage gettalong has is that he is quite active (and home boy in my city too! \o/ ).

rubyFeedback avatar Jan 27 '22 19:01 rubyFeedback

Any news on this?

deanpcmad avatar Feb 03 '22 11:02 deanpcmad

@pointlessone If you need help with a new release, let me know! But no stress, when you have time, you have time..

gettalong avatar Feb 03 '22 15:02 gettalong

@gettalong We've got a bunch of PRs open. I'd love some help with reviews. That extends to the broader community, too. Thank you.

pointlessone avatar Feb 03 '22 16:02 pointlessone

@pointlessone any reason the master branch can't be released "as-is"? Are there any specific open PRs blocking the release?

johnnyshields avatar Feb 03 '22 16:02 johnnyshields

I don't think any of the PRs are blocking release. It's just an area where I could use some help.

pointlessone avatar Feb 03 '22 16:02 pointlessone

Perhaps we should decouple the two? Do a release, and then the good folks on this thread can chip in to help with PRs?

johnnyshields avatar Feb 03 '22 16:02 johnnyshields

To be clear, I'm not waiting on PRs to merge before cutting a release. Prawn release is a somewhat complicated process so I need a solid block of time for it. That's the blocker. While we're waiting on that PRs might as well get reviewed.

pointlessone avatar Feb 03 '22 16:02 pointlessone

@pointlessone I have created pull requests and for open issues. Those are rather small changes and would be good candidates for merging before making the new release.

gettalong avatar Feb 04 '22 18:02 gettalong

Is the master branch stable? Can I use it directly with gem 'prawn', github: 'prawnpdf/prawn' for now or is it better to just add gem 'matrix' to my Gemfile?

zavan avatar Feb 09 '22 12:02 zavan

Generally we're trying not to break master branch. However, sometimes it might be a little confusing because master might depend on unreleased changes in ttfunk or pdf-core. You might need to use those from their master barnaches as well.

pointlessone avatar Feb 09 '22 14:02 pointlessone

Prawn release is a somewhat complicated process so I need a solid block of time for it.

Is this process described somewhere and could parts of it be automated?

aried3r avatar Feb 10 '22 11:02 aried3r

This is not described and hard to impossible to automate. The main issue is that there are at least three gems whose releases need to be coordinated. Dependencies are not strictly acyclic, too.

pointlessone avatar Feb 10 '22 13:02 pointlessone

Is the master branch stable? Can I use it directly with gem 'prawn', github: 'prawnpdf/prawn' for now or is it better to just add gem 'matrix' to my Gemfile?

@zavan Save yourself the future headache and just use the gem.

Here's to adding more noise in hopes it pushes this release out quicker

shirts avatar Feb 10 '22 21:02 shirts

@shirts I would gladly accept a contribution that gets us there. Maybe start with something less ambitious than fully automated dependency resolution.

One Idea I muled over for a while is to have alpha/beta gem builds on every commit to master. I believe it might be a bit easier to achieve. GitHub Actions + GitHub Packages looks like a viable option.

pointlessone avatar Feb 11 '22 07:02 pointlessone

@pointlessone please let us know the status of getting a new release out?

johnnyshields avatar May 12 '22 18:05 johnnyshields

@johnnyshields Please see which also applies here.

gettalong avatar May 12 '22 21:05 gettalong

@gettalong the war is truly a catastrophe and I appreciate that it is disruptive for many.

That being said, there are highly qualified people in the community, e.g. @petergoldstein, who have volunteered to help with the maintainership of this gem. Can we please appoint someone to help move this forward and unblock issues?

johnnyshields avatar May 26 '22 03:05 johnnyshields

@johnnyshields As far as I know only @pointlessone has all the permissions and means to do a release which is quite complicated involving multiple libraries. @petergoldstein volunteered to help out and he massively did but I don't think @pointlessone got to the point where he was able to explain the release process and assign permissions.

gettalong avatar May 26 '22 05:05 gettalong

@pointlessone time to pass the baton on to @petergoldstein ?

johnnyshields avatar Jun 24 '22 03:06 johnnyshields

It happens in many projects. For instance, andlabs who used to maintain libui stopped adding code or reviewing code changes since about 2 years. Someone eventually overcame the inertia and added libui-ng, which is more active. I think having a project base with more different people in charge who can push at the least new patch sets in would be useful. They can focus on the quality of these patches and contributions which worked for libui-ng very well.

rubyFeedback avatar Jul 18 '22 20:07 rubyFeedback

Is any news about this issue? @pointlessone

marciojg avatar Sep 26 '22 13:09 marciojg

Maybe a new release before the snow falls this time? :grin:

pokonski avatar Dec 01 '22 14:12 pokonski

Yeah, any news on this?

deanpcmad avatar Dec 01 '22 14:12 deanpcmad

Is any news about this issue?

Not really. The war is still on.

Maybe a new release before the snow falls this time? 😁

The snow has fallen over here so that ship has sailed. Maybe Christmas? 😉

Now seriously. I will spend some time on Prawn this month. To set expectations properly: that is not a promise of a release by any specific date.

pointlessone avatar Dec 01 '22 20:12 pointlessone

Let me know if I can help with things!

gettalong avatar Dec 01 '22 21:12 gettalong