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column widths not working

Open raquelhortab opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments

Hi! I got a table with subtables inside. I can successfully control the subtables' column widths but not the main table ones. Here's the code and below the result. If TLDR, important code is towards the end.

tmp_dir = Rails.root.join("tmp")
path = tmp_dir + "work_hours_test.pdf"

pdf = => PDF::Core::PageGeometry::SIZES["A4"])

title = [[{content: I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.title').upcase, colspan: 3}]]

signature_table = pdf.make_table(
    ["#{I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.signature')}:", {image: '/home/raquel/Documents/signature_example.png', :image_height => 70}],
    [{content: "#{I18n.t('')}: #{"???data firma"}", colspan:2}]
) do |table|
  table.cell_style = {border_width: 0}

headers = [
  [{content: pdf.make_table([
                                pdf.make_table([ [{content: I18n.t(''), colspan: 2}],
                                                 [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.name_or_company_name'), "??"],
                                                 [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.nif_cif'), "??"],
                                                 [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.ccc'), "??"],
                                               ], width: pdf.bounds.width/2){|table|
                                  table.row(0).font_style = :bold
                                pdf.make_table([ [{content: I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.worker'), colspan: 2}],
                                                 [I18n.t(''), ubiquo_user.full_name],
                                                 [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.nif'), "??"],
                                                 [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.social_security_number'), "??"],
                                               ], width: pdf.bounds.width/2){|table|
                                  table.row(0).font_style = :bold
                              [{content: "#{I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.month')}: #{"??"}", colspan: 2}],
                              [{content: signature_table, colspan: 2}],
                            ], width: pdf.bounds.width, cell_style: {:background_color => "F1F1F1"}), colspan: 3}],
  [{content: "", colspan: 3}],
  [I18n.t(''), I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.schedule'), I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.total_day_hours')]

month_hours = 0
table_data = work_hours_ranges.group_by(&:date).map do |date, ranges|
  # (some unimportant code ...)
  [date, hour_ranges, total_hours]

footer_data = [[{content: "", colspan: 3}],
               [{content: pdf.make_table([
                [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.total_hours'), month_hours],
                [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.expected_hours'), "??"],
                [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.hour_bag'), "??"],
                [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.hour_bag_spent'), "??"],
                [I18n.t('ubiquo.work_hours_month_validation.pdf.total_balance'), "??"],
                 table.width = pdf.bounds.width
                 table.column_widths = {1 => 50}
                 table.cell_style = {:background_color => "F1F1F1"}
                 table.row(-1).font_style = :bold
               }, colspan: 3}]]

pdf.table(title + headers + table_data + footer_data) do |table|

  table.header = 4

  # blank separators:
  table.row(2).border_left_width = 0
  table.row(2).border_right_width = 0
  table.row(-2).border_left_width = 0
  table.row(-2).border_right_width = 0

  # title style
  table.row(0).font_style = :bold
  table.row(0).align = :center

  # column headers style:
  table.row(3).font_style = :bold
  table.row(3).font_style = :bold

  # ---> ---> IMPORTANT CODE HERE <--- < ---
  # table.column_widths = {0 => 50, 2 => 50} # I have also tried this way
  table.column(0).width = 50
  table.column(2).width = 50


page_numbering_options = {
  at: [pdf.bounds.right - 150, 0],
  width: 150,
  align: :right,
  start_count_at: 1,
pdf.number_pages I18n.t(''), page_numbering_options

pdf.render_file path

You can see the footer table respects the widths I've set, but the main content's columns have equal widths.


Thanks in advance!

raquelhortab avatar Apr 18 '23 09:04 raquelhortab

I've seen that by setting exact widths for all columns, it works. I tried this: column_widths = 50and it complained about it being too small. Since the error message said the exact size it needed was 523.28, calculated the widths from that. I set table.column_widths = [50, 423.28, 50] and that worked. I don't get why it does not work by setting only the first and the last column widths.

raquelhortab avatar Apr 18 '23 09:04 raquelhortab

in case someone else finds this, this seems to be the best solution: [50, pdf.bounds.width - 100, 50]

raquelhortab avatar Apr 19 '23 13:04 raquelhortab

I've seen that by setting exact widths for all columns, it works.

Thank you, I can confirm this worked for me too!

For a more flexible pattern, I did this:

    def column_widths
      cols = {
        0 => 25,
        2 => 26,
        3 => 35
      # Calculate width for remaining column due to
        1 => pdf.bounds.width - cols.values.sum

You can use the hash form to specify the column index.

dacook avatar Jun 02 '23 06:06 dacook

In case it helps anyone I just find out this should be

cell_style = { width: pdf.bounds.width / NUM_OF_COLS }
pdf.table(table, position: :left, cell_style: cell_style)

Use width instead of column_width

cleicar avatar Nov 30 '23 17:11 cleicar