Sublime-Text-2-BIDI copied to clipboard
Disabled menu "Bidirectional text"
sorry I tried to install this package but I couldn't. I did as this instruction (
when I download this package from Github as a zip file, it includes "praveenvijayan-Sublime-Text-2-BIDI-9231a52". when I copy it into package directory, "Bidirectional text" would be add to menu but it is disabled.
I tried by renaming that folder to "Sublime-Text-2-BIDI", "BIDI" and... with restarting the sublime but it didn't. :'(
thanks again
In windows, some reason plugin fails to import "unicodedata" when sublime loads. Workaround is - Preference > Browse packages... open from Sublime-Text-2-BIDI folder. Just press ctrl+s or file save, this will reload the plugin. Its odd but now its only the possible way to reactivate it. ctrl + ~ will open console you can view the error there.
Thanks for reply As you said I tried to fix it by changing the encoding (ANSI-win1256 and UTF8) but it didn't worked :'( Also in console prints:
Reloading plugin C:\...\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Sublime-Text-2-BIDI\ Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\", line 62, in reload_plugin File ".\", line 4, infrom algorithm import get_display File "lang\", line 20, in from unicodedata import bidirectional, mirrored ImportError: No module named unicodedata
No there is no point in changing the encoding. "ImportError: No module named unicodedata" - Windows fails to import unicodedata when sublime opens. Open in sublime & just press control + s to save the file. This will force sublime to reload the plugin & it will import the "unicodedata" module. After that you can test the plugin. I'm not sure why its fails to load first time.
I tried saving but i get this error in the console everytime i save.
Writing file /C/Users/dur41d/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 2/Packages/praveenvijayan-Sublime-Text-2-BIDI-9231a52/ with encoding UTF-8
Reloading plugin C:\Users\dur41d\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\praveenvijayan-Sublime-Text-2-BIDI-9231a52\
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\", line 62, in reload_plugin
File ".\", line 4, in <module>
from algorithm import get_display
File "lang\", line 20, in <module>
from unicodedata import bidirectional, mirrored
ImportError: No module named unicodedata
I got the same error as @dur41d when saving the I just opened the file and pressed Ctrl+s
Sublime Text 2 is not importing unicodedata properly.
i have the same problem ...
it's a matter of paths. Open the above mentioned "", add these 2 lines after the 2nd or 3rd line:
sys.platform.startswith('win'): sys.path.append('../../..')
or, copy unicodedata.pyd from main sublime forlder to the same path where exist.
Thanks @shula! Problem solved. 'Bidirectional text' menu item is no more disabled. But know, when i choose this item, or press Ctrl+b, all of Persian/Arabic characters turn to question marks.
Yes 'Bidirectional text' menu item is no more disabled. But pressing "Ctrl+b" converting arabic text to squares....
Fixed :) Changing the font in settings user to { "font_face": "Arial", "font_size": 12.0 } fixed the issue...
So again i install the plugin via the control packge and than i open and after save it again and the last step i change the font to arial !!!!! this how i did it but i stil have Bidirectional plugin is disabled
Thanks @shula :+1:
Copying C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\unicodedata.pyd to the package folder *C:\Users\ ..\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Bidi* worked for me
Hey... Thanks @shula , the second way worked for me too!
Im not having much luck, tried the default installatino instructions and the instructions mentioned in this thread..but still no luck. I'm on a windows 8 64-bit system--anyone find a way to get it to work?
The 'Bidirectional Text' menu item is still greyed out for me :sa:
Something to do with the paths, I tried Shula's path solution, but that didn't seem to do fix anything..
I'm getting this in console:
Writing file Sublime2/Data/Packages/Bidi/ with encoding UTF-8
Reloading plugin Sublime2\Data\Packages\Bidi\
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\", line 62, in reload_plugin
m = imp.load_module(modulename, *m_info)
File ".\", line 2, in
@shula I tried both methods and the menu item still disabled :( I am using windows 7 please help guys
Someone just upload the full application (the portable zipped one) with modification on any upload website! or at least put all files together with full path to copy to.
I get it worked for once, when I've tried to do it again I got disabled menu "Bidirectional text" again and over again after all solutions above !
i still got the same issue ,..the menu is disabled and sub menu too even i edit the settings-user file probably note im using Ubuntu 12.04 and Sublime 2
I'm finding a similar problem on Mac (Mac OS X v10.6.8), 'Bidirectional text' is disabled in the Tools menu. Package cloned ok, 'Sublime-Text-2-BIDI' directory appears in 'Sublime Text 2/Packages' directory. Subdirectory 'bidi' also exists, containing ''. However, on reloading I see:
Reloading plugin xxx/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Sublime-Text-2-BIDI/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 62, in reload_plugin
File "./", line 3, in
Someone just upload the full application (the portable zipped one) with modification on any upload website! or at least put all files together with full path to copy to.
I get it worked for once, when I've tried to do it again I got disabled menu "Bidirectional text" again and over again after all solutions above !
Do you still have this provlem with the latest version?
This plugin doesn't work. I've tried all the solutions available with no luck getting the arabic text to show/work properly. I copied the line sssssssssssss to in the right places and that disabled the Bidirectional text CTRL + B Copied all files from the zip Sublime-Text-2-BIDI-master into the ST2 folder and changed the font type and size, but it's only when I copied over the unicodedata.pyd to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Bidirectional text support\bidi is when the Tools > Bidirectional text part wasn't grayed out anymore but it wouldn't work still. I also copied these two lines sys.platform.startswith('win'): sys.path.append('../../..') and it was the same. Until this plugin works with no issues and work arounds, I'm uninstalling.
I still got the same issue ,..the menu is disabled and sub menu too even I tried both methods :/
@shula it works now :), thanks buddy :+1:
@KariMauris how does it work?? doesn`t for me :(