> From what I know about Matt's CSV reporter is that he's taking the stream response and converting that to a string before adding it to the final CSV file....
> Maybe a good solution would be to use by.cssContainingText("h2", "Z") and then use .presenceOf. This will basically do the same thing as what you have done as you will...
> Haven't used that one before so I just assumed it was checking for element to contain text inside of it. What you can do, but is not very ideal...
yes this will be really useful for collaboration and understanding of w3c endpoints
Really a good feature , i also feel this hectic i have to create new temp csv to test a sngle line
You have to use jasmine 2; You can do by adding the below property to config file: ` framework: 'jasmine'` Final looks like: ``` exports.config = { // Specify you...
> It is just not supported. You can either dump the result in different folders, or you can run against multiple browsers with shard test files. But the current implementation...
Hi I figured out that running in multiple capabilities will fix this issue, ``` multiCapabilities: [{ 'browserName': 'chrome', specs:['blabla1'], }, { 'browserName': 'chrome', specs:['blabla2'] }] ``` Else you have to...
> @praveendvd Tried with your first solution as also given in the npm beautiful protractor report but question here is how many times you will keep specs/test cases in specs[]?...