
Results 141 issues of Prathyush

I have been trying out Thengascript to build a complete application recently, and the current idea of Malayalam -> English mapping via regex as expected doesn't scale up to the...

Bring in aliases for methods of common browser objects (window, document, Array etc. and their methods). ![image](

* Algebra of Logic Tradition The algebra of logic tradition can be thought of as starting from the time of Leibniz where he identifies two notions: - Calculus Ratiocinator -...

# Key figures ## Ramus (1515–1572) ## Descartes (1590–1650) ## Bacon (1561–1626) ## Locke (1632–1704) Aristotelianism being triumped by Cartesianism and Empiricism Port Royal Logic (Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole)

Article: Richard Whately thought that all judgements to be passed on logical deductions are of the form all/none. This has since been proceeded with the invention of multi-valued logic,...