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Application of formal systems to model biological systems

  • Formal Systems in Biology

A collection of resources that apply formal systems to model biological processes. Some easily accessible books to understand the general approaches in this field are also included.

** McCulloch-Pitts Work

*** [[][A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity (1943)]] [[./img/mccullough-pitts.png]]

McCullouch and Pitts study of neurons in biology birthed the pivotal paper that kickstarted A.I., [[][regular languages]], and digital computers. It was the only paper included in [[][the EDVAC report]] by John Von Neumann.

An interactive demo of their model is available here:

** Arthur Iberall / Warren McCulloch

*** [[][Behavioural Model of Man - His Chains Revealed]]

** Stanisław Ulam and Jon Von Neumann

*** [[][Theory of Self Reproducing Automata]] [[./img/neumann.png]]

*** [[][Probabilistic Logics and the Synthesis of reliable organisms from unreliable components (1952)]] [[./img/neumann-pierce-drawings.png]]

** L Systems

*** [[][Mathematical models for cellular interactions in development I (1968)]] [[./img/lsystem-1.png]]

*** [[][Mathematical models for cellular interactions in development II (1968)]] [[./img/lsystem-2.png]]

** Karl Sims [[./img/karl-sims.jpg]] *** [[][Evolved Virtual Creatures (1994)]]

** Walter Fontana and Leo Buss (1996)

*** [[][The Barrier of Objects From Dynamical Systems to Bounded Organizations]] [[./img/fontana-buss.png]]

** Regev, Silvermann, Shapiro

*** [[][Representation and Simulation of Biochemical Process Using the Pi Calculus Process Algebra (2001)]] [[./img/regev-shapiro.png]]

*** [[][Cell as Computation (2002)]] [[./img/regev-shapiro-2.png]]

*** [[][The π-calculus as an abtsraction for biomolecular systems (2004)]]

** Ehud Lamm and Ron Unger

*** [[][Biological Computation]] [[./img/ehud-lamm.jpg]]

** P System [[./img/p-system.png]]

** Alan Turing

*** [[][The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis (1952)]] [[./img/reaction-diffusion.png]] Reaction-Diffusion Systems

** Joseph Henry Woodgers

*** [[][The Axiomatic Method in Biology (1937)]]

** Louis Kauffman

[[./img/kauffman-magarshak.png]] *** [[][Vassiliev Knot Invariants and the Structure of RNA folding]]

** Marius Buliga

*** [[][Chemlambda]] [[./img/chemlambda.gif]]

For animations, checkout:

[[][History of the project]]

** Stefano Maestri and Emaneula Merelli *** [[][Process calculi may reveal the equivalence lying at the heart of RNA and proteins]] **** Correction to the article:

** Artem Kaznatcheev *** [[][Computational Complexity as an Ultimate Constraint on Evolution]] **** Tweet thread on it here:

** Jeffrey Ventrella

*** [[][Clusters]] [[./img/clusters.png]]

*** [[][Genepool]] [[./img/genepool.png]]

** Programming Languages

*** [[][]]


*** [[][The Systems Biology Markup Language]]

** Computation with Crabs




  • Resources to understand the field

** [[][Neurocomics]] (Beginner) [[./img/neurocomics.jpg]]

** [[][Introducing Evolution]] (Beginner) [[./img/evolution-graphic-guide.jpg]]

** [[][Introducing Genetics]] (Beginner) [[./img/genetics-graphic-guide.jpg]]

** [[][Introducing Epigenetics]] (Beginner) [[./img/epigenetics-graphic-guide.jpg]]

** [[][Complexity: A Very Short Introduction]] (Intermediate) [[./img/complexity-a-very-short-introduction.jpg]]

** [[][Games of Life]] (Intermediate) [[./img/games-of-life.jpg]]

  • Books

** [[][Computational Methods in Systems Biology (2006)]]

** [[][Complex Systems: A Survey]] A really good survey of books in complexity science here.

  • Further Research
  • Rashevsky and Rosen

[[][Rashevsky]] devised the [[][primary model of neural networks]] which was interpreted using the boolean language by McCullough/Pitts. His student [[][Robert Rosen]] went on to work on using Category Theory to model biology. These works need to be catalogued here. [[][Herbert Simon]] was also his student.

There could also be more possible works from the conference where McCullough presented his work and met Pitts.

** Sampling of Rashevsky’s work

*** [[][Topology and life: In search of general mathematical principles in biology and sociology]] *** [[][On relation between sets — 1961]] *** [[][The representation of organisms in terms of predicates — 1965]] *** [[][On relations between sets: II - 1966]] *** [[][A note on relations between sets – 1966]] *** [[][Organismic sets: Outline of a general theory of biological and social organisms - 1967]] *** [[][Organismic sets: II. Some general considerations - 1968]] *** [[][The Geometrization of Biology]] *** [[][Outline of a unified approach to physics, biology and sociology]]

** Sampling of Rosen’s work:

*** [[][Pattern Generation in Cellular Spaces]] *** [[][Relational Biology and the Origin of Life]] *** [[][On a unified approach to pattern generation]] *** [[][Complexity and System Description]] *** [[][The Chief Abstractions of Biology]] *** [[][Input-Output Systems]] *** [[][The derivation of D’Arcy Thompson’s theory of transformations from the theory of optimal design]] *** [[][A logical paradox implicit in the notion of a self-reproducing automaton]] *** [[][A relational theory of biology]] *** [[][The representation of biological systems from the standpoint of the theory of categories]]

  • Ilya Pregorine’s Work

  • Gregory Chaitin’s work

  • Stochastic CFG for RNA

  • Zuse-Fredkin thesis / [[][Digital Philosophy]] Think I need to mention the work of Zuse-Fredkin thesis along with Ulam-Neumann model.

  • Knot Theory for Protein Molecules

  • Wang Tiles and DNA

  • [[][Molecular Networks and Monomial Ideals]]

  • [[][Computational Modeling, Formal Analysis, and Tools for Systems Biology: Survey]]

  • Luca Cardelli

  • [[][Morphism of reaction networks that couple structure to function]]

** Tools

*** [[][Ready]] Ready is a program for exploring continuous and discrete cellular automata, including reaction-diffusion systems, on grids and arbitrary meshes.

** Blogs

*** [[][I should have loved biology]]

A beautiful piece of writing from James Somers on the rich tapestry of the field of biology and what user interface design might have to offer the field.

*** [[][(A Bit of) Biological Neural Networks (2018)]] A really nice series of articles on the biological aspects of neural networks by Jack Terwilliger

** Talks

*** [[][Giuseppe Longo: Alphabets, Axioms, DNA: On Human Knowledge and the Myth of Alphanumeric Coding]]

** Prior Art

*** [[][Ramón y Cajal]] *** [[][Camillo Golgi]]