
Results 232 comments of B.Prathibha

From mobile: Total execution time 12097ms from PC Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 6ms, Maximum = 7ms, Average = 6ms

> > > Minimum = 6ms, Maximum = 7ms, Average = 6ms > > This is better, but now almost seems too quick. Is this local lan ? Yes.

I'm able to hear the audio back from PC. In mobile, I'm getting video but it is struck.

Only getting Trying... on both sides.

STUN transaction has timed out (PJNATH_ESTUNTIMEDOUT). Is this an issue?

[general] rtpstart=10000 rtpend=20000 stunaddr=stun.l.google.com:19302 turnaddr=openrelay.metered.ca:443?transport=tcp turnusername=openrelayproject turnpassword=openrelayproject

Sometimes getting video but it is stuck immediately after the video appears on both ends.

Attempt 1 to send STUN request timed out. [2023-02-03 11:46:10] NOTICE[359069]: stun.c:247 handle_stun_timeout: Attempt 2 to send STUN request timed out. [2023-02-03 11:46:13] WARNING[359069]: stun.c:252 handle_stun_timeout: Attempt 3 to send...

I've turned off firewall.

ERROR[359537]: pjproject: : tcprel0x7f94a43d8a70 .CreatePermission failed for IP [2402:3a80:411:8be5:0:6f:f7a6:c501]: 443/Peer Address Family Mismatch (4)