``` VM6:10 (TIME) index.html loaded: 822.3649999999907 lib-jitsi-meet.min.js?v=7177:2 2023-05-22T11:32:29.328Z [modules/browser/BrowserCapabilities.js] : This appears to be chrome, ver: 79.0.3945.130 lib-jitsi-meet.min.js?v=7177:2 2023-05-22T11:32:29.342Z [modules/statistics/LocalStatsCollector.js] : Connecting audio context lib-jitsi-meet.min.js?v=7177:2 The AudioContext was not allowed...
jxbrowser version: 7.10
How to set the ice lookup timeout?
> The browser phone is an implementation of SIP signalling, and SDP media negotiation. If you read the PeerConnection documentation you will soon see that what Chrome can do with...
Any solution to send the media directly to the peer?
Have you setup WebSocket Transport using openSIPS? Can you share opensips.cfg file.
which version of OpenSIPs are you using?
Do you have the documentation on how to setup WebRTC using OpenSIPS?
Do you use rtpengine with opensips? As per the OpenSIPS documentation, OpenSIPS handles the SIP signalling part, media is handled by [RTPengine](https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine), a high performance media proxy that is able...
I've configured opensips and rtpproxy and registered the users using browser phone. There is no audio and video in both the internal n/w and external n/w.