You are right, I hope it will be easier in the next release, with issue #66 solved. With #66, the idea is to have an automatic shift with a first...
Hello, It looks like you did everything correctly! The message still appears and is just a reminder to remember to enable the conda environment first, maybe it is confusing. What...
Hello @snowman907 I will try to answer all your questions. The Windows construction documentation only gives general ideas and is probably not up to date. My Windows procedure is a...
It is not necessary to launch Visual Studio from the conda CloudComPy310 environment. This can make the configure step easier (several paths can be found automatically, without the need to...
Hello, It's good to know that you are making progress. - The version of Qt provided in the conda CloudComPy310 environment is now correct, it is not necessary to install...
Hello, - For `zlib.lib`, both paths are valid, but you are right, it is clearer to use `${anacondaRoot}/Library/lib/zlib.lib`. - By the way, `${anacondaRoot}` is defined as `"C:/Users/paulr/anaconda3/envs/CloudComPy310"` (line 10) so...
- CORK is a plugin (`PLUGIN_STANDARD_QCORK` line 223) so you can disable the use of Cork. You can keep the lines defining the path for libraries and includes in the...
- OK to deactivate all plugins except PLUGIN_IO_QPDAL - When you have successfully built, installed and done a first test, you can try to activate the other plugins. - OpenCascade...
Perhaps there is something confusing: after clearing the cache, you have the `Generate Cache` menu. After the cache is generated, this menu is replaced by `Configure CloudCompareProjects` but it is...
Great! - The warnings during the Generate Cache an Configure steps are OK. - I forgot to correct a path in `sphinxDoc/`. Just edit it before generate, build, install. This...