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Added sddmwall.sh
Pull Request
Please read these instructions and remove unnecessary text.
- I have made added back the sddwall.sh script, which is used to set the current wallpaper as the login screen wallpaper
- I noticed that it was missing, even though discussions mentioned it. I got a solution from mrdpedd in the discussion here
- No new dependencies are required for this change
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- [ ] Documentation update (non-breaking change; modified files are limited to the documentations)
- [ ] Technical debt (a code change that does not fix a bug or add a feature but makes something clearer for devs)
- [ ] Other (provide details below)
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- [ x] I have tested my code locally and it works as expected.
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This script now not working for change the sddm wallpaper because now tha wallpaper are not in swww directory
@kRHYME7 is this file needed?
This is drop to avoid issues with Candy SDDM theme. We need to look for a different approach. I guess will try to do it in the CLI
@rubiin @mahaveergurjar @kRHYME7 @AfthabEK
I managed to do it! Exposing the wallpaper to /var/tmp should be fine.
We just need to manually enable It for each theme by changing Background= into Background="/var/tmp/hyde/wall.set"