react-gradient-progress copied to clipboard
Simple light circular progress bars in react with gradient.
React Gradient Progress
Simple and light gradient-enabled circular progressbar for reactjs/nextjs
Using npm
npm i -s react-gradient-progress
Basic Usage
import {CircleProgress} from 'react-gradient-progress'
<CircleProgress percentage={75} strokeWidth={8} />
Name | Description |
percentage |
Percentage progress. Required. |
width |
Width of the progressbar container in px. Default: 200 . |
strokeWidth |
The stroke width of the progress bar. Default: 5 . |
strokeLinecap |
Stroke linecap type. Default: 'round' . Accepted values: 'butt', 'round', 'square' |
fontSize |
The size of the percentage text. Default: '30px' . |
fontColor |
The color of the font. Default: 'inherit' . |
fontFamily |
Font family. Default: inherit . |
primaryColor |
The Gradient color. Should be an array of size 2. Default: ['#00BBFF', '#92d7f1'] . |
secondaryColor |
The color of the uncovered percentage. Default: 'transparent' . |
fill |
Color to fill in the progressbar. Default: 'transparent' . |
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