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ESP8266 SSID was not set
Hey guys i tried the Minimal example and i get this in terminal.
when i search for the network i do not see it in the list?
sword was not set. WiFi SSID was not set. Will stay in AP mode. State changed from: 0 to 1
Starting up...
Config version: init
Config size: 165
Wrong config version. Applying defaults.
|-- [iwcSys]
| |-- 'iwcThingName' with value: 'testThing'
| |-- 'iwcApPassword' with value:
So you cannot see SSID "testThing" when scanning your Wifi? What board are you using? What partition scheme/Flash size are you using on the ESP8266?
In AP mode the thing opens a public access point, this should be visible (appears in list) for others. On the other hand I myself also have a bad experience with MacOS as some WiFi network might not appear, or cannot be connected from a mac. I have good results from Android phone however and even better from Linux machines.