
Results 29 issues of Prakarsh

# Summary Expose metrics for all Devtron components. - Git-sensor - Image-scanner - Helm-client # Motivation Need metrics for Devtron Monitoring Dashboards AB#426


# Summary App metrics enable UX AB#424


# Summary As a heavy user, superadmins might want a visibility or would want to pull reports on certain parameters on daily/monthly/quarterly basis. Some parameters to include: - Number of...


git-sensor received an event of a new commit and published an event on nats, devtron orchestrator tried to take action on the published event but found that the ci pipeline...


# Summary Grep invert-match support in logs using -v option # Motivation Sometimes, there are too many info logs which need to be suppressed in order to check for error...

good first issue

**Browser should not ask to save username/password in the below sections in Global Configurations:** Gitops Git Accounts Docker Registries Chart Repositories After fix needs to be verified for different browsers:...


### 💭 Description - [ ] `Save selection as filter` option not described in Application groups. - [ ] `Saved Filters` option not described in Application groups Documentation page:


### 🔖 Feature description Sealed secrets for obfuscation of secrets when using Gitops so that the secrets are not committed on Gitops repos as bas64 encoded (as bad as plaintext)....


### 🔖 Feature description As a user, I may need to create CD/CI trigger time reminders that may be recurring or one-time. ### 🎤 Pitch / Usecases User persona: Application...


### 🔖 Feature description The ability to map Gitops creds to specific projects is crucial for organizations where Git accounts are not shared across different projects or teams. ### 🎤...
