Léo Pradel

Results 155 issues of Léo Pradel

## Description Create documentation explaining technical specification and the implementation

Type: Enhancement

## Description When you create an account we should provide an easy way to import your posts from medium in one click. We can probably use https://medium-to-markdown.com/

Type: Enhancement

## Description > Another idea that would attract a lot of uses would be offering Ghost.io Content API compatibility and single command migration for content users https://discord.com/channels/794883671730683934/794910065265737758/886935122413232188 https://ghost.org/docs/content-api/

Type: Enhancement

## Description Add the possibility in the settings to change the meta tags of the blog root url

Type: Enhancement

## Description Use https://blurha.sh/ to load the images.

Type: Enhancement

## Description Add the reading time of each story in the story list related to #157

Type: Enhancement

Type: Enhancement
help wanted

**Describe the bug** I am not sure if this is a bug or intended behaviour. Creating the issue to open discussion regarding the behavior of the `/v1/names/{name}` endpoint. Problem: When...


Currently, there is no way to customise the `strikeThrough` name via the `serialise` function. The following code is not working: ```ts serialize(v, { nodeTypes: { ...defaultNodeTypes, // not working delete_mark:...

# Description Hey, we are in the process of adding [Stacks](https://www.stacks.co/) authentication to Ceramic. We saw the discussion for Arweave support https://github.com/ceramicnetwork/js-ceramic/issues/2175 and are wondering what is the best way...