Pradeep Pandey

Results 17 comments of Pradeep Pandey

@anunay1 No I haven't been able to make it work with WAD server. i'm thinking of trying the appium server soon but idk the risks involved in that. Does it...

On the bright side we got an update from the Dev of this project @DHowett - Looks like there's a prototype for W3C-style WinAppDriver server in progress and the...

Hi @kat-y Thank you for the updates, this really helps boost our morale and continue using WinAppDriver. Here are my questions: 1. Any updates on whether the project might go...

Hi @d4vidi @noomorph any plans on addressing this? I'm having a hard time using workarounds in multiple places inside my app

Thanks @d4vidi I'll give it a shot for whatever it's worth. Would appreciate if someone more knowledgeable on this topic took a look too(reaching out to future viewers of this...

I'm surprised that this simple yet frequently used feature is not supported in Playwright. It's a total blocker for me since we have a print functionality in our gift card...