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callbag.vim copied to clipboard


Lightweight observables and iterables for VimScript based on Callbag Spec.

Source Factories

Implemented Name
Yes create
Yes empty
Yes fromEvent
Yes fromList
Yes fromPromise
Yes interval
Yes lazy
Yes never
Yes of
Yes throwError

Sink Factories

Implemented Name
Yes forEach
Yes subscribe
Yes toList


Implemented Name
Yes makeSubject
Yes share
No makeBehaviorSubject


Implemented Name
Yes combine
Yes concat
Yes debounceTime
Yes delay
Yes distinctUntilChanged
Yes filter
Yes flatMap
Yes flatten
Yes group
Yes map
Yes materialize
Yes merge
Yes reduce
Yes scan
Yes skip
Yes switchMap
Yes take
Yes takeUntil
Yes takeWhile
Yes tap
No buffer
No bufferTime
No bufferUntil
No dematerialize
No concatWith
No find
No first
No graceful
No last
No latest
No mapWhen
No mergeWith
No pausable
No repeat
No rescue
No retry
No throttle
No timeout

Vim Job and Channels

Implemented Name
Yes spawn

spawn uses job_start in Vim8+ and jobstart in Neovim.


Implemented Name
Yes operate
Yes pipe

pipe()'s first argument should be a source factory. operate() doesn't requires first function to be the source.

Note In order to support older version of vim without lambdas, callbag.vim explicitly doesn't use lambdas in the source code.


Implemented Name
Yes createNextNotification(value)
Yes createErrorNotification(error)
Yes createCompleteNotification()
Yes isNextNotification(notification)
Yes isErrorNotification(notification)
Yes isCompleteNotification(notification)

Notification is a dictionary with kind.

Next Notification

let nextNotification = { 'kind': 'N', 'value': 'value' }

Error Notification

let errorNotification = { 'kind': 'E', 'error': 'error' }

Complete Notification

let completeNotification = { 'kind': 'C' }

Difference with callbag spec

While the original callbag spec requires payload to be optional - (type: number, payload?: any) => void, callbag.vim requires payload to be required. This is primarily due to limition on how vimscript functions works. Having optional parameter and using ... and a:0 to read the extra args and then use a:1 makes the code complicated. You can use callbag#undefined() method to pass undefined. callbag#isUndefined(value) can be used to check if a value is defined or undefined.


    function s:log(message) abort
        echom a:message

    call callbag#pipe(
        \ callbag#fromEvent(['TextChangedI', 'TextChangedP']),
        \ callbag#debounceTime(250),
        \ callbag#subscribe({
        \   'next':{x->s:log('text changed')},
        \   'error':{e->s:log('error')},
        \   'complete':{->s:log('complete')}
        \ }),
        \ )

Refer to examples.vim for more.

Synchronously waiting for completion or error

callbag#toList() operator with wait() will allow to synchronously wait for completion or error. Default value for sleep is 1 miliseconds and timeout is -1 which means it will never timeout.

    let l:result = callbag#pipe(
        \ callbag#interval(250),
        \ callbag#take(3),
        \ callbag#toList(),
        \ ).wait({ 'sleep': 1, 'timeout': 5000 })
    echom l:result
    " error may be thrown due to timeout or if it emits error
    echom v:exception . ' ' . v:throwpoint

Similar to callbag#subscribe you can manually unsubscribe instead of waiting for timeout. By default wait() will auto unsubscribe when it completes or errors.

let l:result = callbag#pipe(
    \ callbag#interval(250),
    \ callbag#take(10),
    \ callbag#toList(),
    \ )

call timer_start(250, {x->l:result.unsubscribe()})
let l:items = l:result.wait()

wait() is already implemented in an efficient way i.e. if it has already completed or errored it will synchronously return values without any sleep or timers.


Please do not take direct dependency on this plugin and instead embed it using the following command.

:CallbagEmbed path=./autoload/myplugin/callbag.vim namespace=myplugin#callbag

This can then be referenced using myplugin#callbag#pipe()




Prabir Shrestha