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Delayed aka. Soft assert for python

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Delayed aka. Soft asserts for python

Few features:

- No Dependenices on any other framework/library.
- Should work with any testing framework.
- Can be use as decorator or context manager.



Install via pip

    pip install delayed-assert

Install from master

    pip install git+


See for usage.

Using assertion library with lambda

Pass the assertion call as

    expect(lambda: self.assertListEqual([4,5,6,2,5],[7,8]))

While I've tested only with unittest asserttion,It should be able to use any assertion library.

Keep in mind that, Python does not support statement inside lambda, so

    expect(lambda: assert 1 == 1)

won't work as it is not a valid lambda expression in python

Current possible uses

    def testSomething(self):
        delayed_assert.expect(1 == 1) # will succeed
        delayed_assert.expect(1 == 2) # will fail but won't stop execution
        delayed_assert.expect(3 == 2, "Value don't match") # will fail but won't stop execution
        delayed_assert.expect(3 == 3) # will succeed
        # will stop execution and show the stack trace of 2nd assertion

    def testLambdas(self):
        expect(lambda: self.assertEqual(3,4)) # will fail but won't stop execution
        expect(lambda: self.assertListEqual([4,5,6,2,5],[7,8])) # will fail but won't stop execution

    def testDecorator(self):
        expect('five' == 'Six', 'String do not match')
        expect([5,2] == [3,4], 'List item do not match')
        expect([3,4] == [3,4], 'This message wont be printed')
        # No need to call delayed_assert.assert_expectations() when decorator is used
    def testContextManeger(self):
        with delayed_assert.assert_all():
            expect('four' == 'Six', 'String do not match')
            expect([5,2] == [3,4], 'List item do not match')
            expect([3,4] == [3,4], 'This message wont be printed')
            # No need to call delayed_assert.assert_expectations() when using context maneger is used

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