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Parkinson's disease data analysis from uci machine learning repository dataset.
Parkinsons Disease Data Analysis
Description and literature:
In this study, we will analyze the patients’ data who are diagnosed with the disease. Using speech data from subjects is expected to help the development of a noninvasive diagnostic. People with Parkinsonism (PWP) suffer from speech impairments like dysphonia (defective use of the voice), hypophonia (reduced volume), monotone (reduced pitch range), and dysarthria (difficulty with articulation of sounds or syllables). Therefore, our analysis in this project will be based on voice parameters of the affected.
The dataset was created by Athanasios Tsanas and Max Little of the University of Oxford, in collaboration with 10 medical centers in the US and Intel Corporation who developed the tele-monitoring device to record the speech signals.
This dataset is composed of a range of biomedical voice measurements from 42 people with early-stage Parkinson’s disease recruited to a six-month trial of a tele-monitoring device for remote symptom progression monitoring. The recordings were automatically captured in the patient’s homes.
Columns in the dataset contain subject number, subject age, subject gender, time interval from baseline recruitment date, motor UPDRS, total UPDRS, and 16 biomedical voice measures. Each row corresponds to one of 5,875 voice recording from these individuals. The main aim of the data is to predict the motor and total UPDRS scores (‘motor_UPDRS’ and ‘total_UPDRS’) from the 16 voice measures. The data is in ASCII CSV format. The rows of the CSV file contain an instance corresponding to one voice recording. There are around 200 recordings per patient, the subject number of the patient is identified in the first column.
Attribute Information:
Subject: Integer that uniquely identifies each subject
Age: Subject age
Sex: Subject gender ‘0’ - male, ‘1’ - female
Test_time: Time since recruitment into the trial. The integer part is the number of days since recruitment
Motor_UPDRS: Clinician’s motor UPDRS score, linearly interpolated
Total_UPDRS: Clinician’s total UPDRS score, linearly interpolated
Jitter (%), Jitter(Abs), Jitter. RAP, Jitter. PPQ5, Jitter. DDP: Several measures of variation in fundamental frequency (Frequency parameters)
Shimmer, Shimmer (dB), Shimmer. APQ3, Shimmer. APQ5, Shimmer. APQ11, Shimmer. DDA: Several measures of variation in amplitude (Amplitude parameters)
NHR, HNR: Two measures of ratio of noise to tonal components in the voice
RPDE: A nonlinear dynamical complexity measure
DFA: Signal fractal scaling exponent
PPE: A nonlinear measure of fundamental frequency variation
Data Cleaning and Outlier Removal:
Our first step is going through the dataset and identify any missing value or outlier to take necessary measures. This step is essential to prepare the data for fruitful analysis. There are no missing values in our dataset.
Correlations between the variables
We can see that all the jitter variables highly correlate with Shimmer variables.
Outlier Detection
In this section we will look at some of the significant features and check if there are outliers available.
In our scattered plot between total_UPDRS and Jitter, it looks like, we can see out outlier observations in our data. Similarly, in our plots with total_UPDRS vs Shimmer, total_UPDRS vs NHR, total_UPDRS vs RPDE, total_UPDRS vs DFA, and total_UPDRS vs PPE, we can see some outlier observations.
We will now look into bivariate boxplots in our data to look for outlier observations in our data.
The bivariate boxplot is showing a lot of our observations as outliers. Thus, we want to check our results with Convex Hull method as we don’t want to change the distribution of our data by removing the outliers.
Convex Hull Method
Next we have removed outlier observations according to Convex hull.
Dimensionality Reduction:
Our next step is dimensionality reduction. The dataset is very large with 22 variables and some of the variables have high correlations between them. So we are expecting to reduce the number of dimensions for better interpretation of the data.
Multi-dimensional scaling
First we try Multi-dimensional scaling which can help us visualizing the variable relationships in 2D graphs.
The MDS plot clearly shows that age is creating a deviation between the datasets with female on the right and male on the left #this significant deviation is because the voice pictch, frequency and amplitude totally differs by being in different ranges for different genders.
Criterion 1 and criterion 2 suggests that the first two coordinates can represents majority of the data points since the cummulative proportion is above the threshold value of 0.8. Hence the MDS plot can be on a 2D scatterplot
Below are the findings from multidimensional scaling on the parkinsons data:
The statitical technique of multi dimensional scaling through this plot has confirmed that attributes form groups with similar patterns 1. All jitter variables follow a pattern 2. All Shimmer variables follow a patter 3. PPE and NHR form a pattern 4. total UPDRS and motor UPDRS form a pattern 5. test time and sex form a pattern 6. Age contributes as a seperate attribute to the variation in data 7. HNR contributes as a seperate attribute to the variation in data
These findings can be logically understood as
- Jitter is related to frequency measure so they form a pattern and it is logically valid
- Shimmer is related to amplitude measure so they form a pattern and it is logically valid
- Pitch of voice cord and noise to harmonics ratio are having an underlying relationship and that is observable through this finding
- Motor UPDRS score is impacting the total score and it makes sense
- Test time and sex are two independent factors and they are showing correlation by coincidence and this inference can be ignored
- Age contributes as a seperate attribute to the variation in data
- HNR contributes as a seperate attribute to the variation in data
Feature Selection with Random forest
To confirm that the observations in the multi dimensional scaling can be used to better identify patients with disease and ideal measures to estimate progression of the disease and interpret the similarity between cetain measures let us apply another technique called random forests algorithm that uses gini index which is another way of measuring dissimilarity in the data like multi dimensional scaling.
Random forest helps in measuring and identifying the correct measure that can aid in differentiating the data and better differentiate patients and ranking the different variables by there contribution to the variance of the dataset and also on their significance in measuring progression of the disease.
Importance of each predictor
age ............ 107.481221
DFA ............. 30.280552
Jitter.Abs. ..... 13.233061
test_time ....... 13.181421
HNR ............. 13.179312
RPDE ............ 12.354213
sex ............. 10.586328
PPE ............. 10.273227
NHR .............. 7.622037
Shimmer.APQ11 .... 6.193817
Shimmer.DDA ...... 5.627689
Shimmer.APQ3 ..... 5.509867
Shimmer.APQ5 ..... 5.475710
Jitter............ 5.042090
Jitter.PPQ5 ...... 5.010854
Jitter.DDP ....... 4.843811
Shimmer .......... 4.836342
Jitter.RAP ....... 4.544362
Shimmer.dB. ...... 4.343984
On applying random forest we can observe that certain attributes contribute higher to the split in the dataset i.e. certain observations help better in categorising patients based on UPDRS scores and contribute higher to disease progression or severity. below are some analysis on the output:
Exploratory Factor Analysis
Next we try exploratory factor analysis on the data to identify important factors.
parkinson.EFA <- factanal(parkinsons[, c(2:5,8,16,18:22)], 3, n.obs = nrow(parkinsons), rotation="varimax", control=list(trace=T))
start 1 value: 0.261 uniqs: 0.9705 0.8226 0.9983 0.9623 0.0050 0.2976 0.0050 0.0777 0.5282 0.6720 0.2671
factanal(x = parkinsons[, c(2:5, 8, 16, 18:22)], factors = 3, n.obs = nrow(parkinsons), rotation = "varimax", control = list(trace = T))
age sex test_time motor_UPDRS Jitter.Abs.
0.971 0.823 0.998 0.962 0.005
0.298 0.005 0.078 0.528 0.672
Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
age 0.162
sex -0.416
motor_UPDRS 0.187
Jitter.Abs. 0.910 0.408
Shimmer.APQ11 0.651 0.523
NHR 0.915 0.159 -0.365
HNR -0.689 -0.657 -0.131
RPDE 0.478 0.430 0.241
DFA 0.145 0.161 0.530
PPE 0.692 0.354 0.359
Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
SS loadings 3.294 1.134 0.965
Proportion Var 0.299 0.103 0.088
Cumulative Var 0.299 0.403 0.490
Test of the hypothesis that 3 factors are sufficient.
The chi square statistic is 1506 on 25 degrees of freedom.
The p-value is 7.7e-303
print(parkinson.EFA$loadings, cut = 0.45)
Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
Jitter.Abs. 0.910
Shimmer.APQ11 0.651 0.523
NHR 0.915
HNR -0.689 -0.657
RPDE 0.478
DFA 0.530
PPE 0.692
Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
SS loadings 3.294 1.134 0.965
Proportion Var 0.299 0.103 0.088
Cumulative Var 0.299 0.403 0.490
First, when we try to do exploratory factor analysis with all the variables, the model doesn’t run. After some research we have come to the conclusion that due to high multicolinearity between some variables (specificaly jitter and shimmer), the algorithm is not converging. So we decided to reduce the values that have high correlation between them. From the correlation plot we can see that jitter and shimmer variables have high correlation (0.9+) between themselves. So we tried building the model with one jitter and one shimmer variable. From the random forest analysis, we saw that Jitter.Abs. and Shimmer.APQ11 have highest significance in their corresponding frequency and amplitude groups. So we took these 2 variables in the exploratory factor analysis. Also both the updrs variables have 0.9+ correlation between them. So we took one from that group too.
With the above mentioned variables we explored different number of factors. But if we take 2 or 3 factors then only 40-45% data is explained. Also the age, sex and test_time have very small factor coefficient and large (0.8+) uniqueness. If we have 5/6 factors then the uniqueness of these variables lessen but still they are greater than 0.7.
From 3 factor analysis we can see that jitter, shimmer, NHR, HNR, RPDE and PPE have higher coefficents with Factor 1. However, from the random forest analysis, we have seen that age and DFA are the most significant variables, which have really low coefficient in these analysis.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Next we try confirmatory factor analysis to compare if the results from EFA are correct.
parkinson.EFA <- factanal(parkinsons[, c(2:8,17,18:22)], 2, n.obs = nrow(parkinsons), rotation="varimax", control=list(trace=T))\
start 1 value: 2.27 uniqs: 0.906 0.993 0.994 0.102 0.005 0.102 0.140 0.446 0.332 0.353 0.671 0.894 0.332
factanal(x = parkinsons[, c(2:8, 17, 18:22)], factors = 2, n.obs = nrow(parkinsons), rotation = "varimax", control = list(trace = T))
age sex test_time motor_UPDRS total_UPDRS Jitter...
0.906 0.993 0.993 0.102 0.005 0.102
Jitter.Abs. Shimmer.DDA NHR HNR RPDE DFA
0.140 0.446 0.332 0.353 0.671 0.894
Factor1 Factor2
age 0.303
motor_UPDRS 0.946
total_UPDRS 0.996
Jitter... 0.947
Jitter.Abs. 0.927
Shimmer.DDA 0.743
NHR 0.817
HNR -0.798 -0.106
RPDE 0.561 0.120
DFA 0.286 -0.154
PPE 0.811
Factor1 Factor2
SS loadings 4.68 2.052
Proportion Var 0.36 0.158
Cumulative Var 0.36 0.518
Test of the hypothesis that 2 factors are sufficient.
The chi square statistic is 13107 on 53 degrees of freedom.
The p-value is 0
print(parkinson.EFA$loadings, cut = 0.5)
Factor1 Factor2
motor_UPDRS 0.946
total_UPDRS 0.996
Jitter... 0.947
Jitter.Abs. 0.927
Shimmer.DDA 0.743
NHR 0.817
HNR -0.798
RPDE 0.561
PPE 0.811
Factor1 Factor2
SS loadings 4.68 2.052
Proportion Var 0.36 0.158
Cumulative Var 0.36 0.518
Model Chisquare = 5902 Df = 21 Pr(>Chisq) = 0
Goodness-of-fit index = 0.823
Adjusted goodness-of-fit index = 0.621
SRMR = 0.0841
Normalized Residuals
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
-19.17 -4.40 0.00 -0.91 2.48 11.40
R-square for Endogenous Variables
age sex Jitter.Abs. Shimmer.dB. NHR HNR
0.0107 0.0953 0.6165 0.6784 0.6461 0.6802
0.4444 0.0773 0.7139
Parameter Estimates
Estimate Std Error z value Pr(>|z|)
lambda1 0.103 0.02382 4.33 1.47e-05 age <--- person
lambda2 -0.309 0.06082 -5.08 3.85e-07 sex <--- person
lambda7 0.785 0.01121 70.05 0.00e+00 Jitter.Abs. <--- voice
lambda12 0.824 0.01099 74.92 0.00e+00 Shimmer.dB. <--- voice
lambda17 -0.804 0.01105 -72.77 0.00e+00 NHR <--- noice
lambda18 0.825 0.01093 75.49 0.00e+00 HNR <--- noice
lambda19 0.667 0.01225 54.43 0.00e+00 RPDE <--- cord
lambda20 -0.278 0.01247 -22.29 4.73e-110 DFA <--- noice
lambda21 0.845 0.01166 72.49 0.00e+00 PPE <--- cord
theta1 0.989 0.01887 52.43 0.00e+00 age <--> age
theta2 0.905 0.04039 22.40 4.02e-111 sex <--> sex
theta7 0.384 0.00807 47.51 0.00e+00 Jitter.Abs. <--> Jitter.Abs.
theta12 0.322 0.00728 44.16 0.00e+00 Shimmer.dB. <--> Shimmer.dB.
theta17 0.354 0.00746 47.47 0.00e+00 NHR <--> NHR
theta18 0.320 0.00701 45.65 0.00e+00 HNR <--> HNR
theta19 0.556 0.01158 47.99 0.00e+00 RPDE <--> RPDE
theta20 0.923 0.01708 54.03 0.00e+00 DFA <--> DFA
theta21 0.286 0.00991 28.88 2.04e-183 PPE <--> PPE
rho3 0.223 0.06229 3.58 3.48e-04 voice <--> person
rho4 0.205 0.05972 3.42 6.16e-04 noice <--> person
rho5 0.546 0.11309 4.83 1.39e-06 cord <--> person
rho13 -1.144 0.00551 -207.42 0.00e+00 noice <--> voice
rho14 1.005 0.00716 140.29 0.00e+00 cord <--> voice
rho15 -0.981 0.00713 -137.55 0.00e+00 cord <--> noice
Iterations = 65
restricted Cor matrix
rescor <- parkinson_sem$C
non-restricted Cor matrix
nonrescor <- parkinson_sem$S
differences of the elements of the observed covariance matrix and the covariance matrix of the fitted model
covresiduals <- round(parkinson_sem$S - parkinson_sem$C, 3)
semPaths(parkinson_sem, "est",edge.label.cex=1.5)
Model Chisquare = 342 Df = 8 Pr(>Chisq) = 4.65e-69
Goodness-of-fit index = 0.982
Adjusted goodness-of-fit index = 0.952
SRMR = 0.0329
Normalized Residuals
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
-7.14 -0.18 0.00 0.02 0.77 4.65
R-square for Endogenous Variables
Jitter.Abs. DFA PPE Shimmer.APQ11 HNR
0.736 0.160 0.851 0.636 0.954
Parameter Estimates
Estimate Std Error z value Pr(>|z|)
lambda1 0.8577 0.01092 78.54 0.00e+00
lambda2 0.3998 0.01318 30.35 2.71e-202
lambda3 0.9223 0.01051 87.72 0.00e+00
lambda4 -0.7978 0.01117 -71.40 0.00e+00
lambda5 0.9770 0.00999 97.83 0.00e+00
lambda6 -0.6694 0.01186 -56.42 0.00e+00
corr1 -0.8357 0.00563 -148.31 0.00e+00
theta1 0.2644 0.00726 36.41 2.85e-290
theta2 0.8401 0.01593 52.75 0.00e+00
theta3 0.1493 0.00671 22.24 1.29e-109
theta4 0.3635 0.00793 45.85 0.00e+00
theta5 0.0456 0.00596 7.64 2.19e-14
theta6 0.5518 0.01081 51.04 0.00e+00
lambda1 Jitter.Abs. <--- frequency
lambda2 DFA <--- frequency
lambda3 PPE <--- frequency
lambda4 Shimmer.APQ11 <--- amplitude
lambda5 HNR <--- amplitude
lambda6 RPDE <--- amplitude
corr1 amplitude <--> frequency
theta1 Jitter.Abs. <--> Jitter.Abs.
theta2 DFA <--> DFA
theta3 PPE <--> PPE
theta4 Shimmer.APQ11 <--> Shimmer.APQ11
theta5 HNR <--> HNR
theta6 RPDE <--> RPDE
Iterations = 21
restricted Cor matrix
rescor <- parkinson_sem$C
non-restricted Cor matrix
nonrescor <- parkinson_sem$S
differences of the elements of the observed covariance matrix and the covariance matrix of the fitted model
covresiduals <- round(parkinson_sem$S - parkinson_sem$C, 3)
semPaths(parkinson_sem, "est",edge.label.cex=1.5)
Since age, sex have very high uniqueness, we didn’t include them in the model. Also NHR and HNR have high correlation (0.9), so we included one of them. By reducing the highly correlated and highly unique values we got only 6 variables. Then we tried exploratory factor analysis on them with 2 factors and found that shimmer, HNR and RPD have higher coefficients with factor 1. So we named factor 1 as amplitude. The jitter, DFA and PPE variables have higher coefficients with factor 2. So we named factor 2 as frequency. Next we tried to build the model for confirmatory factor analysis with these observations.
From the summary we can see that this model has GFI and AGFI index greater than 0.95, which indicates the model is good. SRMR is 0.032, which is less than 0.05. It also indicates that this is a good model.
However, we know age is the most significant variable to identify if a patient has parkinsons disease or not. It is the most important factor in calculating the updrs score that helps identifying parkinsons in a patient. But dimensionality reduction with factor analysis is not able to acknowledge age due to high uniqueness in the variable. Also high multicollinearity is another possible reason for which the factor analysis algorithm does not converge with all the variables of the dataset. So we can reach to the conclusion that exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis are not suitable dimensionality reduction techniques for this dataset.
Principal Component Analysis:
Next we try pca which can be a possible solution for the multi-collinearity problem.
parkinsons_pca_corr <- princomp(covmat = p_corr)
summary(parkinsons_pca_corr, loadings = T)
Importance of components:
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5 Comp.6 Comp.7
Standard deviation 3.376 1.492 1.3134 1.2095 1.0758 1.0009 0.9112
Proportion of Variance 0.518 0.101 0.0784 0.0665 0.0526 0.0455 0.0377
Cumulative Proportion 0.518 0.619 0.6976 0.7641 0.8167 0.8623 0.9000
Comp.8 Comp.9 Comp.10 Comp.11 Comp.12 Comp.13
Standard deviation 0.8349 0.712 0.5402 0.45626 0.40866 0.31880
Proportion of Variance 0.0317 0.023 0.0133 0.00946 0.00759 0.00462
Cumulative Proportion 0.9317 0.955 0.9680 0.97742 0.98502 0.98964
Comp.14 Comp.15 Comp.16 Comp.17 Comp.18 Comp.19
Standard deviation 0.29550 0.22600 0.20713 0.143734 0.112470 0.095625
Proportion of Variance 0.00397 0.00232 0.00195 0.000939 0.000575 0.000416
Cumulative Proportion 0.99360 0.99593 0.99788 0.998815 0.999390 0.999805
Comp.20 Comp.21 Comp.22
Standard deviation 0.065415 7.02e-04 1.49e-04
Proportion of Variance 0.000195 2.24e-08 1.01e-09
Cumulative Proportion 1.000000 1.00e+00 1.00e+00
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5 Comp.6 Comp.7 Comp.8
subject. -0.212 -0.334 0.649 -0.111
age -0.313 0.168 -0.302 -0.845
sex 0.271 -0.599 0.229 -0.353
test_time -0.974 -0.197
motor_UPDRS -0.616 -0.131 0.195 0.189
total_UPDRS -0.624 -0.149 0.183 0.145
Jitter... 0.267 -0.225 -0.190 -0.133
Jitter.Abs. 0.249 -0.335
Jitter.RAP 0.259 -0.224 -0.226 -0.155
Jitter.PPQ5 0.265 -0.134 -0.218 -0.145
Jitter.DDP 0.259 -0.224 -0.226 -0.155
Shimmer 0.276 0.246
Shimmer.dB. 0.277 0.234
Shimmer.APQ3 0.269 0.257 0.110 0.111
Shimmer.APQ5 0.272 0.261
Shimmer.APQ11 0.258 0.237 0.166 0.103
Shimmer.DDA 0.269 0.257 0.110 0.111
NHR 0.257 -0.224 -0.131 -0.154
HNR -0.257 -0.144 -0.181 0.158
RPDE 0.168 -0.166 0.271 0.205 0.148 -0.715
DFA 0.186 -0.345 0.273 0.471 -0.116 -0.217 0.523
PPE 0.229 -0.279 0.125 0.110 -0.135
Comp.9 Comp.10 Comp.11 Comp.12 Comp.13 Comp.14 Comp.15
subject. 0.626
age 0.217
sex -0.590 -0.101
motor_UPDRS -0.196 0.112 0.541
total_UPDRS -0.114 -0.161 -0.561
Jitter... 0.171
Jitter.Abs. -0.227 0.472 -0.573 -0.151
Jitter.RAP -0.123 -0.224 0.158 0.183
Jitter.PPQ5 0.304 -0.210 0.395 -0.416
Jitter.DDP -0.123 -0.224 0.158 0.183
Shimmer.dB. 0.116
Shimmer.APQ3 -0.316 -0.254 -0.100
Shimmer.APQ5 0.119 -0.228
Shimmer.APQ11 0.241 0.315 0.625 0.283
Shimmer.DDA -0.316 -0.254 -0.100
NHR 0.642 -0.169 -0.496 0.243
HNR 0.188 -0.168 0.848 -0.216 -0.119
RPDE -0.233 -0.393 0.236 -0.126
DFA -0.173 -0.331 0.222 -0.109
PPE -0.147 0.792 0.235 -0.312
Comp.16 Comp.17 Comp.18 Comp.19 Comp.20 Comp.21 Comp.22
motor_UPDRS -0.411
total_UPDRS 0.404
Jitter... 0.136 -0.136 0.849 -0.143
Jitter.Abs. -0.397 -0.104
Jitter.RAP 0.311 0.156 -0.206 -0.707
Jitter.PPQ5 -0.426 -0.224 -0.342
Jitter.DDP 0.311 0.156 -0.206 0.707
Shimmer 0.243 -0.161 -0.858
Shimmer.dB. 0.771 0.216 0.433
Shimmer.APQ3 -0.186 -0.311 0.126 -0.707
Shimmer.APQ5 -0.149 -0.430 0.715 0.175 0.113
Shimmer.APQ11 0.223 -0.165 -0.329
Shimmer.DDA -0.186 -0.311 0.126 0.707
NHR 0.196 -0.120
Below are our findins from Principal Componenets Analysis:
Covariance Matrix Interpretation:
All of the variables showcase small magnitudes which can have positive or negative linear releationships.
Correlation Matrix Interpretation:
From the correlation matrix we have the following observatins:
- Variable HNR which is the ratio of noise to tonal components in the voice. This variable has an inverse releationship with all the variables.
- Variables containing the word “Shimmer” have high positive correlation values with each other.
- Variables containing the word “Jitter” have high positive correlation values with each other
- High correlation values between variables containing the word Shimer with variables containing the word “Jitter”
- The PPE variable represents a nonlinear measure of fundamental frequency variation. This variable has strong positive correlations with varaibles containing the word “jitters” or “Shimmers” and the variable RPDE. RPDE represents a nonlinear dynamical complexity measure.
- “total_UPDRS” and “motor_UPDRS” showcase a strong positive correlation. Where, “total_UPDRS” represents clinician’s total UPDRS score and “motor_UPDRS” the clinician’s motor UPDRS score both, linearly interpolated.
PCA Interpretation:
- The amount of components was determined according to the following rule. The total amount of variation that the components represent must be within 70% to 90%.
- According to this parameter components 1 through 4 where selected. These components amount to a total of 76% of the total variation.
Pros and Cons of the study:
- From our study on the dataset, we have come to the conclusion that age, sex, test-time and DFA are the variables that are most difficult to capture in a factor analysis model. Though we know from Random forest analysis and research papers that these variables are most significant in deciding the UPDRS score.
- In PCA, the age variable has high coefficient in component 7. But if we consider principal components with 1+ standard deviation, we have to consider the first 5 components, discarding the 7th component. Accordingly, test time and DFA has high coefficient in 6th and 8th component.
- The data has high correlation between the variable groups “Jitter” and “Shimmer” which caused problems related to multi-collinearity during the analysis.
- Future study on the parkinsons dataset should include more detailed analysis on the above mentioned variables with high-uniqueness and how to tackle the issue.