vue-filepond copied to clipboard
Composition API not run handleFilePondInit
Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
Have you updated Vue FilePond, FilePond, and all plugins?
- [x] I have updated FilePond and its plugins
Describe the bug
First issue: I use laravel and Inertiajs. Calls handleFilePondInit and does not invoke it (console.log returns nothing) Second issue: I have a props form, gallery in which there are pictures, how to automatically upload these pictures using poster.
const handleFilePondInit = () => console.log("handleFilePondInit");
<file-pond name="imageGallery" ref="pond" label-idle="Przerzuć zdjęcia tutaj..." maxFileSize="4MB" allow-multiple="true" accepted-file-types="image/jpeg, image/png" labelMaxFileSizeExceeded="Plik jest za duży" labelMaxFileSize="Maksymalny rozmiar pliku {filesize}" labelMaxTotalFileSizeExceeded="Maksymalna wartość przekroczona" labelMaxTotalFileSize="Maksymalny rozmiar pliku {filesize}" :server="{ url: '', timeout: 7000, process: { url: '/user/upload-gallery-tmp', method: 'POST', withCredentials: false, onload: (response) => response, onerror: (response) => response }, revert: { url: '/user/upload-gallery-revert-tmp', method: 'DELETE' }, headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': csrf } }" :files="" @init="handleFilePondInit" />
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@majweb this is working with Composition API. I'm preparing tutorial for FilePond, but I'm fighting with two not working things. I hope that @rikschennink will be helpful. When I'm finish I will make complete tutorial with creating and editing.
in your process object , there is no headers passing in , without csrf token , laravel will return 419, so is that the reason your files not uploaded?