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mapset bugged after replacing .osu files manually
i have a lot of guest difficulties that need to be updated by replacing the .osu file, and after replacing one of them again today, the website tells me they're worth 0 stars and have been deleted before and whatnot
submitting will also tell me "A server-side error has occurred" however the set updates (although it is bugged) https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1647212/discussion/3644192/timeline
Which beatmap has 0 stars? They all appear to be calculated.
uploading later on in the day fixes this, but appears randomly at times
Can you please let us know next time it is in a broken state? Hard to investigate when it's not broken.
I'm currently experiencing an issue that's probably related.
This happened while editing the diff, the star rating won't update when i modify the map and save again. There are some stuff I've tested:
- The difficulty is playable on the game,
- Testing from edit crashes osu
- In this state, trying to submit the map from same diff / another diff freezes the editor on the upload screen
- Any maps I import after occuring this has the local sr value of 0. (example: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18036134/7bfa) and has same issues listed on top
- F5'ing does nothing
- This doesn't affect older (imported before SR0 glitch) beatmaps
- Closing osu and opening it back doesn't fix
- Scores submit on these maps
I do not know how to replicate it on a system where this didn't happen. Currently I'm leaving it on until y'all respond what to do.
runtime.log session.log update_success.log osu!auth.log
these are my logs right after the crash from testing 0SR map, i doubt if they contain useful data since they aren't modified around the time game crashed, but are modified around the time I started bancho
it fixed itself idk how, 0 sr maps are gone while game was open