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PurePos is an open source hybrid morphological tagger.
PurePos is an open-source HMM-based automatic morphological annotation tool. It can perform tagging and lemmatization at the same time, it is very fast to train, with the possibility of easy integration of symbolic rule-based components into the annotation process that can be used to boost the accuracy of the tool. The hybrid approach implemented in PurePos is especially beneficial in the case of rich morphology, highly detailed annotation schemes and if a small amount of training data is available.
It is distributed under the permissive LGPL license.
Dependencies: Maven 2
- Clone the repository
$ mvn package -DskipTests
Trainig the tagger needs a corpus with the following format:
- sentences are separated in new lines, while there are spaces between tagged words,
- each token in a sentence must be annotated with its lemma and POS tag separated by a hashmark:
$ java -jar purepos-<version>.jar train -m out.model [-i tagged_input.txt]
The raw text file which is to be tagged must contain:
- sentences in new lines,
- and words separated by spaces.
$ java -jar purepos-<version>.jar tag -m out.model [-i input.txt] [-o output.txt]
For further help:
$ java -jar purepos-<version>.jar -h
Usage: java -jar <purepos.jar> [options...] arguments...
tag|train|dump : Mode selection: train for training the
tagger, tag for tagging a text with the
given model. Dump for getting the model printed.
-a (--analyzer) <analyzer> : Set the morphological analyzer. <analyzer>
can be 'none', 'integrated' or a file :
<morphologicalTableFile>. The default is to
use the integrated one. Tagging only option.
-b (--beam-theta) <theta> : Set the beam-search limit. The default is
1000. Tagging only option.
-c (--encoding) <encoding> : Encoding used to read the training set, or
write the results. The default is your OS
-d (--beam-decoder) : Use Beam Search decoder. The default is to
employ the Viterbi algorithm. Tagging only
-dot : The model objects will printed in dot format.
Dump only option.
-e (--emission-order) <number> : Order of emission. First order means that
the given word depends only on its tag. The
default is 2. Training only option.
-f (--config-file) <file> : Configuration file containing tag mappings.
Defaults to do not map any tag.
-g (--max-guessed) <number> : Limit the max guessed tags for each token.
The default is 10. Tagging only option.
-h (--help) : Print this message.
-i (--input-file) <file> : File containing the training set (for
tagging) or the text to be tagged (for
tagging). The default is the standard input.
-if (--input-format) <format> : Set the format of the input file: 'vert' for vertical,
'ord' for ordinary. The default is ordinary.
-l (--lemma-transformation) <class> : Chooses between the LemmaTransformation classes:
"suffix" or "generalized". The default is the suffix.
-lt (--lemma-threshold) <length> : Sets the threshold of the GeneralizedLemmaTransformation's
decode function. Only an option, when the transformation
type is "generalized".
-m (--model) <modelfile> : Specifies a path to a model file. If an
existing model is given for training, the
tool performs incremental training.
-n (--max-results) <number> : Set the expected maximum number of tag
sequences (with its score). The default is
1. Tagging only option.
-o (--output-file) <file> : File where the tagging output is redirected.
Tagging only option.
-of (--output-format) <format> : Set the format of the output file: 'vert' for vertical,
'ord' for ordinary. The default is ordinary.
Tagging only option.
-ps (--print-separately) : If enabled, the model objects will printed into dedicated
files, named after their object name. Dump only option.
The default is false.
-r (--rare-frequency) <threshold> : Add only words to the suffix trie with
frequency less than the given threshold. The
default is 10. Training only option.
-s (--suffix-length) <length> : Use a suffix trie for guessing unknown
words tags with the given maximum suffix
length. The default is 10. Training only
-t (--tag-order) <number> : Order of tag transition. Second order means
trigram tagging. The default is 2. Training
only option.
For details please check the Demo.java file: https://github.com/ppke-nlpg/purepos/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/ppke/itk/nlpg/purepos/Demo.java
A wrapper package for Python is available at https://github.com/ppke-nlpg/purepos.py
Configuration file
One can provide a configuration file with -f
First of all, the user can describe mappings of morphosyntactic tags. A mapping is composed of two parts: a regular expression pattern and a replacement string. For details check our paper (Orosz et al. 2013).
An example configuration file which maps Latin HuMor tags (with |lat
) to standard ones:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<tag_mapping pattern="^(.*)(\|lat)(.*)$" to="$1$3" />
Mapping of lemmata is also possible with config files. One can e.g. use a "+"
character to mark boundaries of compound words. Utilizing the configuration below:
the "+" is omitted from the lemmata during training (e.g.
is learnt asword+form#wordform#NN
) -
if the preanalyzed input has any lemma separated with the marker character, corrresponding probabilites are calculated through mapping, while the output will remain as in the preanylyzed input. (e.g.
is processed as calculating lemma probabilites for the lemmawordform
while the output of the tagger will beword+form#wordform#[NN]
)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <config> <lemma_mapping pattern="[+]" to="" /> </config>
PurePos is also able to mark analyses that are unknown to the analyzer used. For this one can use a marker character. An example configuration file for utilizing the *
character as a marker is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
One can tune the the lemmatization model by assigning a fixed w
weight to the suffix model. (In this case the score of the unigram model will be 1-w
). An example for this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Preanalyzed input
The disambiguator tool can be pipelined with a morphological analyzer or guesser. For this, the analyzer must provide analyses in the following format (with or without the scores):
Scores given in the input are incorporated as lexical log-probabilities.
Please note, that the brackets will be part of the tag. Therefore, inputting houses{{house[NNS]}}
will result in houses#house#[NNS]
This tool is also integrated into the e-magyar language processing system. It is called emTag.
If you use the tool, please cite the following papers: