
Results 14 comments of ppkantorski

Thanks for the help before. Trying to recompile my script now and I am running into another error... ![Screen Shot 2019-06-07 at 2 07 03 AM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6467366/59093530-037f7700-88c9-11e9-9683-942e3e14303e.png) What my issue came...

> First, I'd recommend you to take a look at this post: #16 > > Then, open your Unity build's Xcode project and see if its folder organization, referenced libraries,...

I'll look into the alert function.. Something is triggering an alert on ionic when Unity is completed. Also, do we have to click "OK" every time we enter unity as...

Really weird. Provenance was having issues too. I updated Provenance and installed a Noctis12 update and then my issues resolved themselves. I was also transferring stuff via iFunBox shortly before...