yawd-translations copied to clipboard
A set of tools for developing multilingual websites with Django
yawd-translations, create multilingual django websites
yawd-translations <http://yawd.eu/open-source-projects/yawd-translations/>
provides a set of tools for creating multilingual websites with
django <http://www.djangoproject.com>
The application includes the following tools:
Manage the website's installed Languages through the admin interface
Generate translation messages (
) for all installed applications and defined languages using the admin interface (no need to restart the web server). -
Translatable db models API
A custom
admin inline <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/admin/#django.contrib.admin.InlineModelAdmin>
_ to manage db translations -
A custom middleware to replace
django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/i18n/translation/#how-django-discovers-language-preference>
_ and achieve the following:- Change the way django detects language preference and use the db default language (set through the admin interface)
- Redirects to language-dependant URLs are permanent (301) and not temporary (302).
A patterns function (that behaves pretty-much like django's own
i18n_patterns() <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/i18n/translation/#language-prefix-in-url-patterns>
_ does) to achieve the following:- Match root URL paths as default language URLs: If your default language is English (
will not match the/
URL as the english homepage and the django middleware would redirect pages to their/en/
equivalent (e.g. your homepage would behttp://example.com/en/
and all requests tohttp://example.com/
would be redirected tohttp://example.com/en/
). The custom patterns function implements the exact opposite, which is a common practice to web development. Thereforehttp://example.com/
will be matched as the real permalink (instead ofhttp://example.com/en/
). For non-default languages, the custom patterns function behaves likei18n_patters()
- Match root URL paths as default language URLs: If your default language is English (
context processor
to access available languages in your templates and a simpletemplate tag
to easily switch between the available translations of a page in the front-end website.
.. note::
yawd-translations v0.5.2 is the last version intended to work with
Django 1.4. The current master is actively developed under Django 1.5
and does NOT work with older Django releases. For those still using
Django 1.4, you can checkout the 0.5.x
branch or use the yawd-translations
v0.5.2 pypi package. New features will not be backported to the 0.5.x
branch. Since many of us run production systems tied to Django 1.4, both
v0.5.2 and the latest documentation will be online on readthedocs.org.
Usage and demo
See the yawd-translations documentation <http://yawd-translations.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>
for information on how to install the demo and use yawd-translations.
.. image:: https://d2weczhvl823v0.cloudfront.net/yawd/yawd-translations/trend.png :alt: Bitdeli badge :target: https://bitdeli.com/free