Pedro Henrique Penna
Pedro Henrique Penna
# Description We should expose a remote TLB shootdown operation to user space. This kernel call should require superuser privileges to run.
# Description If we build the microkernel with sleeping mutexes and semaphores support, we got a lock up in the regression tests.
# Description We should move cache invalidation in inter-kernel connectors to the upper layer (ie kernel call interface) # Roadmap - [ ] Mailbox - [ ] Portal - [...
# Description In the `contrib/makefile.install` we are missing the installation of the LwIP static library.
# Description The OpenCores Ethernet driver does not work with interrupts.
# Description We should add Docker Compose support for the Unix 64-bit target.
# Description We should provide a Virtual Portal abstraction on top LwIP, for targets that feature an Ethernet interface but not a NoC. # Related Issues - [[com] Portals](
# Description We should provide a Virtual Sync abstraction on top LwIP, for targets that feature an Ethernet interface but not a NoC. # Related Issues - [[com] Syncs](
# Description We should provide a Virtual Mailbox abstraction on top LwIP, for targets that feature an Ethernet interface but not a NoC. # Related Issues - [[com] Mailboxes](
Description ------------------ We should guard internal symbols of the Microkernel to avoid namespace pollution.