Pedro Paulo Amorim

Results 171 comments of Pedro Paulo Amorim

@Shubham1992 @anemanja You can use my fork:

@gim- To use it: ``` pod 'RichEditorView', :git => '', :branch => 'master' ```

@maulik3107 How come this is possible? Please check this class: I am using this very same library and Apple never rejected my app. Please check your app first.

@MhdHejazi Why the italian translation has the values in english?

@sebastianbinder So what's the point to commit the file and setup? Also this should be a PR.

So @Ale111 should be the person to open the PR like a did in my translation to Portuguese.

@MhdHejazi Instead of adding wrongly set up translation and fix after, we should add the translations without linking it into the project and a developer with access to Xcode should...

@Keatooon They can easily rename `MobileSubstrate.dylib` to something else.

This solved my problem. I don't know why but `(int)(self.collectionView.frame.size.height / self.itemSize.height)` returns zero. ![captura de tela 2016-04-14 as 15 39 31](