Your dependencies didn't install. Try this, as suggested in the output of your first command: ``` sudo apt --fix-broken install ```
You can get it to scale with these steps: 1. Make your own copy of the file at /opt/octoprint-tft/styles/default/style.css. Edit it to modify the styling. I updated font sizes so...
I have the same issue. The screen wakes up from timeout, but is stuck in the Status screen. It won't go back, and the Stop button doesn't do anything either....
Thank you mrcg for your investigations. I tried to test your theory, so here are the changes I made to status.go: ``` switch s.Progress.Completion { case 100: // text =...
@mrcg I fixed my printer and ran one job. I can see the new text "Job in progress" instead of the times. But unfortunately the screen got stuck around 30%...
Yes, I changed that frequency of API call to once every 10 seconds. ``` m.b = NewBackgroundTask(time.Second*10, m.update) ``` I reverted the rest of the changes in status.go to original,...
I tried to diagnose the problem using more log messages at the debug level in status.go in the code @mrcg highlighted. I also added this line to debian/octoprint-tft.service to see...
@EissaAl, yes the Octoprint-TFT UI will stay on the splash screen unless your OctoPi is connected to your printer. See this other issue: #15. I don't understand the code or...
@The5py, this is a good idea. I will see if I know enough to get this change done. One way I know to get Octoprint-TFT to restart without rebooting the...
@mrcg, correct, the timer change doesn't solve the problem. I know the timer change was taking effect. I confirmed that by adding in status go: ``` Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Received: ", text)) ```...