Peter Palaga

Results 249 comments of Peter Palaga

@goneall thanks for the details about the SPDX maven plugin. There is still one thing unclear to me: given a SPDX document like this one: is there any single...

Thanks for the clarifications, @goneall !

> not sure if SPDX has a standard for how to publish these on Maven, e.g. with a classifier? I recently discussed this with @goneall : > If an...

@danielwegener which mojos is this targeting? It would be welcome to transform the attached project into an integration test under

Please add more details: * Which mojo(s) would be affected * Maybe try to sketch the new configuration needed here

I am open to see the PR. Please note that the number of added lines of code must be proportional to the declared purpose. I see this as a refactoring...

Please add steps to reproduce, ideally in from of an integration test under Which mojo(s) does this relate to?

@Tibor17 do you want to add the missing details? Otherwise, I'd close this as non-reproducible.

> It may to do with an algorithm of the Maven Core 2.2.1. The maven-core dependency has `provided` so you should get the version delivered by your current maven...

@Tibor17, could you please check if the current issue was solved by ?