
Results 140 issues of Peter

There are an *ez-vcard* option or parameter for it? I need a stable and secure convertion, that produce the final output as *"[first class](" JSON objects*. Example: * [jCard]( format:...


It is another "standard way" to express vCard with JSON, with the same key feature that jCard, [reversible]( JSON-LD also need a "reference set" of [standard vocabularies]( The main one,...


A `datasets/country-geotime` to complement [datasets/country-codes](, with geospatial country information and time references. As "join" with `country-codes` the most popular "country ID" (_ISO3166-1-Alpha-2_ and _ISO3166-1-numeric_) can be adopted. The other relevant...

Type: Reference
Format: Geodata
Difficulty: hard

Wikipedia have stable pages for all countries, and Wikidata supply an ID for it. Today Wikidata IDs are playing important role as "concept identifier", for Web Semantic in general and...

Now there are an automatic way to filter Wikidata, use `sh` for retrive and filter Wikidata countries, and save it as `wd_countries.csv`. Refs.

Hi, ideal is to tag versions to avoid reference errors, in external projects that depends on this dataset. At this moment, there is an **error**: The last Goodtables-approved version...

As [expressed here](, even with QGIS is impossible to "see ISEA". A projection is useless if we cannot visualize it... Without visualization you lose confidence and a multitude of applications....

feature request

The [pj_list]( is the official *"Full list of current projections"*, and connects the PROJ-label (that is an *internal [identifier](*) to its [*name*]( The proposal here is to connect the label...

feature request

The [Guide]( says nothing about multiple databases (multiple instances of PostgREST). A typical implementation is one instance for *production* and another for *testing*. PS: for some purposes, it is indifferent...

Checking the [isPalindrome]( The classic algorithms are expressed as an "character-by-character algorithm", and is fine. Is oriented to a [low-level view]( of algoritms and data-structures. Another classic manner to view...