ANEAdMob copied to clipboard
AdMob Air Native Extension
2022-03-29 pozirk: I'm not using or updating this ANE anymore. Have no idea, if it's still working.
- Updated to the last version 19.3.0.
- Batch file to build ANE 32bits, 64 or 32&64bit versions as 1 ANE
Big thanks to @luc4smoreira for this update!
- Rewarded videos
- Support for AndroidStudio with Gradle
- Batch file to build SWC and JAR
- Updated to the latest version of Adobe AIR SDK 33 and Google Play Services 16.0.0.
Big thanks to @luc4smoreira for this update!
- Updated to the latest version of Adobe AIR SDK 33 and Google Play Services 11.0.4.
- 32-bit version works fine.
- 64-bit ANE was tested by some good guy, and he told me it worked fine too. :)
ANEAdMob is an Adobe AIR native extension (ANE) for Android to show ads without Firebase.
Supported functionality:
- show ad;
- cache interstitial ad;
- cache rewarded video ad;
- show interstitial ad;
- show rewarded video ad;
- hide ad;
- listen tap, close, leave, rewarded, failed, etc. event.
Please, read docs and try ANE before asking any questions.
Extension ID:
Add "AdMob.ane" and "air\AdMob\bin\AdMob.swc" to your AIR project.
Add the following lines to your AIR Aplication-app.xml file inside <manifestAdditions> section:
Add your AdMob App ID to the value of tag with name, as shown below.
<![CDATA[<manifest android:installLocation="auto">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~yyyyyyyyyy" />
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="12451000" />
<activity android:name="" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize"/>
protected var _admob:AdMob = new AdMob();
//> initialization of AdMob
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INIT_OK, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INIT_FAIL, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.BANNER_SHOW_OK, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.BANNER_SHOW_FAIL, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.BANNER_LEFT_APP, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.BANNER_OPENED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.BANNER_CLOSED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_SHOW_OK, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_SHOW_FAIL, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_CACHE_OK, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_CACHE_FAIL, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_LEFT_APP, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_OPENED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_CLOSED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_CACHE_FAIL, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_CACHE_OK, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_CLOSED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_COMPLETED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_LEFT_APP, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_OPENED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_REWARDED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_STARTED, onEvent);
protected function onEvent(ae:AdEvent):void
trace(ae.type+" "+ae._data);
//showing smart-size ad at the bottom center side of the screen
//Admob official test ad unit for banner "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111""AD_UNIT_ID", AdParams.SIZE_SMART_BANNER, AdParams.HALIGN_CENTER, AdParams.VALIGN_BOTTOM);
//hiding ad
//caching interstitial ad
//Official test ad unit for interstitial "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712"
//showing interstitial ad, make sure it's cached first
//caching rewarded ad
//Official test ad unit for rewarded "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917"
//showing rewarded ad, make sure it's cached first
//setting volume of the interstitial ad, can have sound, if it's video
_admob.setVolume(vol); //0-1 range, where 0 - mute, 1 - max volume (default, I guess).
Ads might not show in debug version of the app or for new apps, that are not yet on Google Play or just created ad unit.
Always try test mode first by passing your device id as last parameter to show/cacheInterstitial function.
One of the ways to find device id is to run ads in regular mode and find the following line in logs: <To get test ads on this device, call adRequest.addTestDevice("XXX");>.
XXX is your device id.
"No fill" or "Failed to load ad: 3" in logs most likely means that ads are working fine, but there are no ads for real, or admob doesn't want to provide any for some reason.
Listen to all the events while debuging to get better idea what is going on, when something is not working.