powsybl-diagram copied to clipboard
Animate feeder arrows
Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? Feature
What is the current behavior? Static feeder arrows
What is the expected behavior? Animated feeder arrows, if corresponding layout parameter enabled (with speed depending on the power flow values?)
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? Nice looking? SVG. Not completely convinced of result so far (see below), a bit irritating instead.
Other information Simply adding the following lines to the components.css does the job, but we could go further to have a speed depending on flow values. With a file like the base-voltages.yml to define the 3 (for instance) speeds with min and max values.
.sld-arrow-down {
offset-rotate: 0deg;
offset-path: path('M 0,-3 0,3 0,-3');
animation: move 2s linear infinite;}
.sld-arrow-up {
offset-rotate: 0deg;
offset-path: path('M 0,3 0,-3 0,3');
animation: move 2s linear infinite;}
@keyframes move {
to {
offset-distance: 100%;
The CSS properties needed are still marked as experimental, but work in most browsers, see browser compatibility sheet.
(here in gif, as github doesn't support svg files - result's smoother in svg)